Instructor: Dr. Regina Oyesanya Office Phone: 757-823-8973 Office Hours (WSB 224A): Tues: 10-11am; 3-4pm Wed: 2-4pm Thurs: 9-11am; 3-4pm Fri: 1-2pm; Or by appointment
***I am also available immediately after class for quick questions and chat. I am willing to discuss things over email, or by phone.*** Course Websites Primary: Other:
REQUIRED COURSE TEXTBOOK Discover Biology – Anu Singh-Cundy and Michael Cain - 5th Edition (NSU Custom Edition) Copyright 2012 textbook, published by W.W Norton and Company. Purchase is required to obtain access to Registration key for access may also be purchased at the same website. Particular chapters of textbook are required (see course schedule for details). You are expected to have read them for homework assignments, team-based learning activities and exams. COURSE PREREQUISITE: ENG 101; MTH 103 COURSE DESCRIPTION AND GOALS This course involves the study of the general principles and problems of biology, with special emphasis on the human organism including anatomy, physiology, growth, reproduction, and inheritance. The evolution and diversity among living things are discussed from an ecological perspective. In general, a. This course should provide you with the basic language and basic principles of biology. b. This course is designed and intended to be taught to excite you about biology. c. At the end of this course, your writing and oral communication skills should improve. d. This course should prepare you to succeed in future science courses. You should learn how to be an active learner in class and to actively study on your own. At the end of this course the student will be able to: 1. Demonstrate the ability to meet core concepts at 70% at least. 2.