The Arctic tundra is known as one of the coldest and driest places on Earth. The Arctic tundra is a cold, treeless area. It is defined as mostly a flat region that contains some mountains. It has very long frosty winters and short chilly summers. The Arctic tundra is located on a large part of Alaska and part of Canada in North America. This tundra is also located on the tips of Norway, Sweden, and Finland. It is also, located on the Northern coast in part of Russia in Europe. Finally, the Arctic tundra is located in most of Siberia and the Northern part of Russia in Asia. The Arctic tundra makes up 14 percent of the Earth. This Tundra is three billion square miles or 7,800,000 square kilometers.…
Imagine floating on a block of ice thats melting, in the middle of the arctic ocean with nothing around you. How about spending time with your family, on a submarine exploration of downtown Miami. Do these two scenarios sound appealing to you? I hope not. These two scenarios could eventually turn into reality. PowerPlanet power plants are filling our air with pollution. This air pollution is causing a domino effect that melts ice caps, which kills arctic species by destroying their habitats and it also raising our sea levels to dangerous levels.…
What if I told you that there was a place so harsh that only a handful of plants and animals can survive there? Well, there is and this place is called the tundra biome. This place is too harsh for most trees, too cold for large animals, and too isolated for most humans.…
The working groups in the Arctic Council act as scientific bodies by documenting challenges the Arctic faces and by publishing scientific reports regarding the effects of climate change in the Arctic. These effects greatly impact the Arctic, as even minor changes in annual temperatures can impact Arctic life. Increasing temperatures result in the loss of Arctic fisheries, increased forest fire threats and storm damage to coastal communities. Oceans in the Arctic “are acidifying twice as fast as average,” interfering with the survival of shellfish and other marine species. A study done by the Arctic Council found that “sea-ice in summer months has declined by 15-20% over the past thirty years” .…
Now it appears that the assessment was too optimistic. The latest data from across the globe show that the planet is changing faster than expected. More sea ice around the Arctic Ocean is disappearing than had been forecast. Regions of permafrost across Alaska and Siberia are spewing out more methane, the potent greenhouse gas, than models had predicted. Ice shelves in West Antarctica are breaking up more quickly than once thought possible, and the glaciers they held back on adjacent land are sliding faster into the sea. Extreme weather events, such as floods and the heat wave that gripped much of the U.S. in the summer of 2012 are on the rise, too. The conclusion? "As scientists, we cannot say that if we stay below two degrees of warming everything will be fine," says Stefan Rahmstorf, a professor of physics of the oceans at the University…
When James White said “this is one of those pivotal moments in human history, it is too important for us to continue to ignore it”, he was referring to something bad occurring and us humans not realizing it until it’s too late. Just like many other moments in history we don’t care about certain things unless it impacts us directly. Well global warming and climate change is real and that’s what he’s trying to get across. The climate of the planet is rising as well as the sea level and this means trouble for everyone across the world. However, White did mention one part of the world that would be impacted the most and that would be Asia because the people over there rely heavily on water from Himalayan…
This past Tuesday, the first US Coast Guard icebreaker reached the North Pole, thus becoming the first American surface vessel to get to the top of the world by itself.…
3) Some changes that scientists fear may happen worldwide because of climate change is that because the ice is melting there is less summer ice cover which means that the dark waters will trap the sun’s heat and will melt the ice which will contribute to the melting of the ice sheets in Greenland. The sea level will rise as the ice melts which is bad-bad news for people living in coastal communities all over the world at risk. Let me give the facts New York City has 520 miles of…
This article, for me, was essential in proving that arctic ice heating up is a problem. It gives me evidence that I can use to prove to disbelievers of global warming and their effects that in time places such as the poles could indeed end up with a complete change in climate and scenery. It not only tells of climate problems of the future but that of the present which helps to prove that it already is a bigger problem than most people expected. All-in-all, this article portrays to readers the effects of a warmer world on the arctic. The Australian is Australia’s only broadsheet newspaper and is led by highly credible and experience journalists.…
Climate change in the Tundra will cause very alarming problems that hold the potential to affect the present generation and those to come. Climate change is an adjustment of global or regional weather patterns. The Tundra has a frigid climate, frozen soil, and animals such as lemmings and polar bears. Additionally, there are flowers and grasses throughout the land. Nutrients for such plants come from dead and decomposing biological matter. Essentially all the precipitation is in the form of snow due to the average temperature of approximately 7.75°F ( Despite efforts to reduce carbon emissions, the permafrost is melting at startling rates due to human interference.…
8. b) Global warming has lead to a rising increase in temperature causing the ice sheets in the arctic to rapidly receded. Ice sheets melting is meaning there is a loss of habitats for the arctic animals such as the polar bears and walrus who live on the ice, gradually this will make the polar bears become extinct as…
Since the inception of planet earth, the sun has heated the planet. As earth cooled and an atmosphere developed, it provided a protective shell that allowed microscopic creatures and plant life to grow. As the species on earth diversified, plants began to absorb carbon dioxide and provided oxygen that was needed for animal life. In turn animals exhaled carbon dioxide for plant life. Over time, a complex symbiotic relationship developed between the earth’s weather, chemical elements, and living organisms. This balance has, for the most part, helped keep the global temperatures relatively constant. However, there are at least five times that global temperatures drastically changed resulting in the mass extinction of a good portion of the species living at that time. These were caused by natural occurring events such as extreme volcanic activity or an impact of a large asteroid on the earth. Now however, some scientist are questioning where or not human activities that produce large amounts of carbon dioxide will lead to extreme changes in climate and another mass extinction event. While the debate rages on, the earth continues to warm. Furthermore, very little has been done to address the issue as inaction continues to be the norm. And even though global warming is a natural phenomenon, there is evidence that human actions are exacerbating the problem to a point that it could ultimately lead to a collapse of the environment and the biodiversity of the planet, to include the possible elimination of the human race. Therefore, if there is even a possibility that human actions are contributing to global warming, the world should do everything it can to mitigate our carbon footprint.…
Climate changes occur naturally over long periods of time on Earth, and it has been this way throughout Earth’s history. Currently, anthropological influences on earth have triggered a quickening rise in global temperatures and this in turn is causing a rapid change in earth’s climate. One of the major changes currently happening on earth is the melting of the polar ice caps. Major impacts relating to the melting of the polar ice caps include changes in ocean temperature, changes in ocean salinity, sea level rise/ flooding, changes in ocean circulations, loss of biodiversity, and loss of ecosystems as well as their services. All of these impacts could lead to devastating consequences for many…
Some may argue that ice and glaciers have been growing and receding for hundreds of years, but they will always grow back again. However, for the past 100 years though, arctic ice and glaciers have been decreasing at an alarmingly fast rate. Glaciers have slowly been getting smaller and smaller since the 1960s and has been decreasing at a faster speed over the past 10 years. The rising ocean level has been a major consequent of the ice melting (Climate Change Indicators: Snow and Ice). NASA stated recently, “September Arctic sea ice is now declining at a rate of 13.3 percent per decade, relative to the 1981 to 2010 average” (Global Climate Change). The constantly warming atmosphere is causing ice to melt and bringing…
When a force as strong as gravity strikes, can one truly be prepared to face its wrath? Unfortunately, Mother Nature is unpredictable in her many forms, and climate change is another embodiment. People around the world are ignorant of the subtly approaching climate change and its dangers, while the vulnerable indigenous people of the north have fallen victim to its threats. Health in Nunavut, Canada has been a rising concern in recent years. The reading, “Community perspectives on the impact of climate change on health in Nunavut, Canada,” written by Healey et al, states that the consequences of climate change will result in environment assault, rapidly deteriorating health and loss of identity that will one day lead to an international crisis.…