after euthanasia, and by measuring the lengths and depths of the galleries produced by the beetles…
Practiclarity! In this book, we are trying to create a different perspective on the gifts of Mother Nature. We should remember that nothing is to be wasted. And this is really what Clarita’s Way “recycling” is all about.…
Both Rifkin and Watson address the topic of animal treatment. Rifkin and Watson both use pathos and logos to support their claims however, they do so in contrasting ways. In my rhetorical analysis of the essay’s I will examine these strategies in both texts, make connections between the two works, and I will show how Rifkin’s essay clarifies Watson’s and was ultimately more effective. First I will talk about a very important term in Rhetoric, the logos appeal.…
The last paragraph of section one of the chapter, Gladwell begins to use exemplification to describe success. “Biologists often talk about the "ecology" of an organism: the tallest…
Exposition is the literary device that Eighner uses the most throughout this article. Exposition is when the author conveys his story through explanation. Eighner explains certain things rather than telling a word for word story about his experiences. Eighner uses this device often in this article such as when he says, “I have heard people, evidentially meaning to be polite, use the word foraging, but I prefer to use that word for gathering nuts and berries and such, which I do also according to season and the opportunity”. Eighner does not simply say he disproves of using the word “foraging” in that way, he explains why he disproves of it. This is the manner in which a majority of the article is told in.…
The essay is developed in a straightforward manner, describing the spider and the wasp respectively in great detail to provide the background knowledge necessary to fully appreciate the bulk of the essay. The descriptions are very vivid, thorough, and scientific, and are backed up by examples to prove their validity. The examples, such as “In a Paris museum is a tropical specimen which is said to have been living in captivity for 25 years” are good because they not only prove the claims, but also are fascinating and keep the readers attention and interest. Once the two creatures are described, the narrator shifts the method of development to a process analysis of how the wasp actually kills the spider. This shift in development hooks the reader once again. The effective, vivid, and often gruesome descriptions of this process keep the reader interested.…
When Goodall recalls the time when she met with biologists to discuss about different creatures and the environment, she learns, “Back in 1989, they told me, biologists had realized that the American burying beetle was fast declining, and it became one of just a few insect species to be listed under the Endangered Species Act.,” (35-38). This evidence reveals how insects are seen as less significant to the rest of the species since they are one of the few in the list of endangered animals. This reveals the way we treat insects because people are not taking insects into consideration when it comes to helping the environment. In conclusion, Goodall is persuading the readers that the attention on the lives of insects are not being discussed enough since there are insects becoming endangered. Meanwhile, as Goodall concludes her argument about the difference between convincing children from convincing adults to interest them into making a safe environment for American burying beetles, she emphasizes, “Unfortunately, Lou finds it much harder to interest adults in the efforts being made to save the American burying beetle. “So often the first question,” he told me, “is,…
This 28-year-old young man from central China's Hubei Province, named Ye Mao, has been infatuated with beetles for around 8 years and has amassed a massive collection. To the casual observer, it looks as if Ye just collects the same type of dung beetle over and over again, but Ye argues each beetle is worth cherishing and every one in his collection is "perfect".…
He raises and presents some important ecological facts without boring the reader through the well-balanced use of quotes,…
Rhinoceros Beetle Susan Hawthorne It was a public holiday on the day that he was born. His mother took this as a good omen. She failed to notice the reason for the holiday. The day he began school he took with him his pet: a rhinoceros beetle. Over an extended period he had a series of beetles which accompanied him. Each day his little wooden box went with him and each day a rhinoceros beetle was inside the box. His teachers thought him somewhat odd because he knew so much about some things, and so little about others. But the little girls knew otherwise. The teachers always called on him during Nature Study to explain the life cycle of butterflies, grasshoppers, liver flukes or beetles. He would get carried away by his task and enter every detail—his eyes burning ferociously. The town he lived near was home to two milk bars, two hotels and on the other side of the street were the railway station and a sugar-cane mill. It was one of those towns that have a river for three months of the year and a bridge built to sustain the big floods every fifteen years. The boy lived beyond the town's borders and grew up without companionship, aside from the ubiquitous rhinoceros beetles and a range of other insects, reptiles, stuffed birds and a cat that refused to be held in his arms. The garden being more than large enough to swing a cat, he had done precisely that. In the spring he added to his large collection of eggs; raiding nests and blowing out the yolks; or he netted butterflies, pinning them stretched out, covering the boxes later with a non-reflective glass. In the wet, when the grasshopper plagues descended, he would spend hours removing their legs, attempting to outdo his previous day's record. In the years when grasshoppers were relatively few, he found other creatures to entertain him or made do with his rhinoceros beetles. In the dry of the winter he would ambush frogs and those little lizards that dispense with their tails when grabbed. Each season provided him…
Recycling and waste prevention are two very important ways to help address the issues of the environment concerning climate change. Recycling is a very beneficial factor that more individuals need to exercise in order to improve the environment’s pollution, reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, and save energy and natural resources that are used to produce products from virgin materials rather than from recycled materials, which uses less energy and produces less harmful pollution. Recycling has many benefits that helps improve the earth’s conditions. Waste prevention and recycling are real ways to address these problems and begin to make a change. Recycling turns materials that would otherwise become waste into valuable resources, reducing the amount of natural resources needed to produce these same products. Collecting your used bottles, cans, and newspapers and taking them to a recycling bin or collection facility is just the first step, in a series of steps that generates a host of financial, environmental, and social returns. These benefits accrue locally as well as globally. Recycling protects and expands United States manufacturing jobs and increases United States competitiveness by creating more recycling jobs and facilities within the United States and producing more of our own products with recycled materials and being less dependent on outside countries and companies for these products. Recycling prevents pollution caused by the manufacturing of products from virgin materials.…
Recycling isn't just a good for the environment, it's also a good for society. We can see these positive effects on society today. Recycled material comes at a lower cost than raw material taken from the…
For example, people are spreading the word against disposing unwanted pets, such as pythons, in the wild. They warn others about the consequences of releasing these animals in the wild. These consequences include the threat posed to the survival of native species in the Everglades. Additionally, scientists and members of the government have initiated a plan to restore the Everglades to a healthier state of being, called the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). To improve the Everglades’ landscape, improvement is possible. As the Everglades become a more livable environment, it will be easier for species to recover along with the land. And, as the ecosystem finds a balance, humans will be able to keep using the land’s resources, both for work and play (paragraph…
Recycling has been a well known idea for so many years, but now we need it more than ever. Now in the world there are so many problems with the environment like Global Warming, toxic waste, and not to mention not recycling is very costly but recycling reduces the landfill space, helps conserves natural resources, and reduces the production of greenhouse gases . When you recycle you also help save animals so the rims of a six pack of soda doesn’t end up blocking a fish's gills or a plastic bag getting eaten by a turtle and having it choke on the bag. Recycling can also be a group effort where you get a group of people from your community, school, church, job, or just you and your friends so not only your saving the environment but your having fun with people you know while doing it.…
First of all, the reading passage contends that people will miss out viewing the fossils when they go to the private collectors. Consequently, the public interest in fossil will reduce. However, the professor opposes this point and says that the public will achieve a great exposure to the fossils than before. Moreover, she mentions that the private collectors will gather more fossils and display them in schools and public institutions.…