Written Assignment
Questions for Not-for-Profit Agencies
For the agency which you have selected, provide the following information:
I. Basic Agency Information
A Name of organization
B Address
C Executive Director’s name and title
D Does the organization utilize volunteer? If so, how many and in what capacity?
E Describe geographic area that the agency serves
F Is the agency affiliated with a state, regional or national organization? If yes, provide the following information:
1 Nature of the affiliation
2 Control exercised by the organization
3 Services provided by the organization
4 Financial reporting requirements to the organization
5 Fees or dues paid to the organization
G Provide the following information about the Board of Directors:
1 Number of board members
2 Method of rotation, succession and replacement
3 How candidates are chosen for the board
4 Are any members of the Board of Directors also paid employees of the agency?
5 Provide the following information about the Executive Committee: a Number of Executive Committee meetings held in the last fiscal year b Size of the Executive Committee c Authority of the Executive Committee
II. Agency History
A When was the agency formed? What individuals or groups were responsible for forming the agency?
B Describe the history of the agency and its programs
III. Operational and Administrative Policies and Procedures
A Does the agency have written policies and procedures? If so, what do they cover?
B Does the agency maintain fidelity bond coverage? If so, what is the amount?
C Are employees covered under workers’ compensation insurance?
D Is there liability insurance coverage for the Board of Directors members?
E What other types of insurance are maintained?
F What are the agency’s goals?
G What is the nature and size of the target population to be served by the agency?
H What data does the agency maintain on each program it provides? How