BBA Program
Spring, 2013
Course Outline
Dr. Abdur Rab Classes meet : Sun., Tues. : 02:40 – 04:10pm
Professor Consultation : Sun., Tues : 10:00 am-11:00 am
School of Business Wednesday : : 02:00pm-3:00pm, Office : NAC 862 : 06:00pm – 07:00 pm Ph. 8852000/ 1775 Thursday : 0500 pm – 07:00 pm
E mail : abdur.rab45@gmail .com Other days & time : By appointment abdurrab@ Mobile : 01552470944 (Please do not call between www, 09 pm to 09 am and Pl. do not share the no. with others) .
Introduction “How does an organization achieve success and remain successful?” is a critical question for every organization. Strategic management answers to this question. Strategic Management makes or breaks an organization. Taking business firm as a model, the Strategic Management course discusses environmental factors, strategy formulation and implementation from a organization-wide standpoint and emphasizes integration of knowledge and approaches across functional areas. The course is designed to help students learn the managerial task of crafting, implementing, monitoring and evaluating strategies by SBU/single business, diversified and multinational firms. It will require them to apply what they have