Course: Introduction to Communications | COM1010P02
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: Your specific purpose identifies the information you want to communicate in the mode you have chosen.
Thesis: The central idea of your speech. I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter:
Because of our continuous quest for more amenities and better standard of living, we have been able to invent and discover many things. The nineties witnessed a major revolution with the invention of the first electronic digital computers. Till then, the term Internet was practically unknown to most people. However, today, the Internet has become the most powerful tool for people around the world. With the advent of Internet, our earth has virtually reduced in size and has attained the form of a global village. Internet, as most of us know, is a large network of networks, which communicate with each other by means of data packets. Internet is regarded as the largest information base. Today, Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. We depend on the Internet to update ourselves about current news and rely on the communication platform it offers to get in touch with our near ones. The information from all around the world is just a click away, thanks to the Internet. Internet has surely affected the society positively.
The Internet provides some of the most effective means of communication. Emails and instant messages have made online communication possible. Social networking and blogging websites and online discussion forums have proved being popular platforms of expression. People in different parts of the world can collaborate over the Internet. They can exchange views, share information and work together over the Internet. It was the development of the Internet that made online education and distance learning possible. Professionals working in physically distant locations can
References: ● MLA format; all references need to be cited in MLA format. ● Electronic sources must be authoritative and credible. Sources from the .com domain are not to be used unless authorship is verifiable and authoritative. ( .edu, .gov, or .org domains are acceptable.) ● Be sure to make sure that the references are in Alphabetical order. ● Double-Spaced; all references should be double-spaced and indented. ● Four source minimum: You must have at least four sources (including one print and one “expert’ interview) cited in your outline and listed on your reference page. ● Make sure to provide all necessary information in the references.