Mexican Revolution
Porfirio Diaz (1876-1911)
Era known as the Porfiriato
Armed Revolution (1910-1920)
Post-Revolutionary State (1920-1940)
Institutionalized Revolution (1940-2000)
What is a “revolution?”
-Important leader that helps get the revolution started is Francisco I. Madero from Coahuila (Northern Mexico)-very high education, studied in France, degree from Berkley in California
-Very different leader in Mexico Revolution, Emiliano Zapata, from central Mexico (Morelos); Mestizo Nauhtl-Speaker “It’s better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.”
-Pascual Orozco (1882-1915)-managed to make good fortune for himself in mining in Chuhuahua and Pancho Villa (1878-1923) from Durango Centaur of the North
Northern Mexico economy very different from Central Mexico’s
-Victoriano Huerta- universally thought of as a villain by Mexicans
-Felix Diaz (1868-1945) Oaxaca-Mexico City-try to derail revolution
-Henry Lane Wilson (1857-1932) from United States-ambassador-fearful that the revolution will harm US interest in Mexico
-Venustian Varranza (1859-1920—Coahuila) and Alvaro Obregon (1880-1928—Sonora) Northern Mexico-important leaders of Northern Mexico
Major Events of the Revolution
Francisco Madero’s Presidential Campaign 1910
Madero’s force takes Ciudad Juarez—May 1911
Zapata’s Plan de Ayala November 1911
Plan Orozquista March 1912
Pact of the Embassy Reb. 1913
Madero assassinated, Huerta assumes presidency
Carranza, Obregon, Zapata, and Villa ally to fight Huerta
U.S. occupation of Vera Cruz Apr. 1914
Huerta Resigns July 1914
Aguascaliente Convention Oct. 1914
Battle of Celaya Apr. 1915
Mexican Revolution
US Gov. recognized Carranza as Mexico’s President Oct. 1915
Villa attacks Columbus, New Mexico in retaliation
General John J. Pershing enters Mexico to chase Villa 1916
1917 Constitution (articles 3, 27, and 123)
Anti-clerical, Land Reform, Labor legislation