The Greeks: Cleisthenes: Nobleman, Born in 570 B.C. Life expectancy was 15 years old. Other Greeks feared Spartans。The mythical stories of heroes influenced Cleisthenes. The 2 main stories were by Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey. There was a big change in the mid 6 BC century. A person and a tall girl went to Athens and said the tall girl was Athena and she said he has to be king. After few days, people didn’t like his ruling but couldn’t do anything. The king thought if he wanted it to be monarchy, he would have to gain allies so he started with Athens common people by lessening taxes, expanding farms etc. Even though this was selfish, but this brought Athens out of the Dark Age and became a city (they earned more money). Cleisthenes gets rid of a butt corrupt tyrant. But got exiled. The butt tyrant came back and payed Spartans to take Athens but they failed after some time because too much rebels. Then they told Cleisthenes to come back. The citizens of Athens discussed what to do. They had 2 rocks, the black meant no and white meant yes. Then they would count them. (Only men could vote). They would vote every 9 from raising taxes to building roads. Democracy makes stuff that unlikely possible. He ran 140 miles to call help to fight Persia. General Themistocles rose to power through Democracy. He wasn’t an aristocratic he was a normal person. Themistocles knew that they might not win next time and Persia was still a threat. He built a state of the art ship, Trireme
Quotes: ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely’ ‘Our whole city is an education’-Pericles.
It was a stroke of luck that the government was a Democracy, so Themistocles could persuade them, but if it was a monarchy (something with a king) he would use it on himself. Themistocles told the people that they would use the boat to defeat Athens rival not Persia (because it was heartbreaking). Xerses had a force of almost 2