
Notes on Religion

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Notes on Religion
1. Cremation is more important than burial in which religion?
a. Buddhism b. Christianityc. Hinduism d. Islam
2. The dominant branch of Islam is
a. Druze b. Eastern Orthodox c. Shiited. Sunni
3. From the Russian Revolution to the fall of the communist government, what was the policy of the government towards religion?
a. all churches were closed
b. the old church was replaced by Eastern Orthodoxc. churches remained open but played a limited role
d. youth were encouraged to attend so that the could be indoctrinated into communism
4. Animists believe that
a. people should complete God's creation of the Earthb. inanimate objects and natural events have spirits
c. people should make complete use of the Earth's resources
d. natural disasters are preventable
5. The world's largest ethnic religion is
a. Buddhism b. Christianityc. Hinduism d. Islam
6. The world's largest universalizing religion is
a. Buddhismb. Christianity c. Hinduism d. Islam
7. Which is not an ethnic Asian religion?a. Buddhism b. Confucianism c. Shintoism d. Daoism
8. Lutheranism is an example of a Christian
a. branchb. denomination c. religion d. sect
9. What policy did the British follow in India?
a. they divided India into two countries
b. they forced all of the Hindus to migrate
c. they turned the problem over to the United Nationsd. they encouraged the abolishment of the caste system
10. Worship in Hinduism is most likely to take place
a. in a holy shrine b. as part of a pilgrimage`c. at home d. in a pagoda
11. The belief in the existence of only one god is
a. animism b. cosmogonyc. monotheism d. solstice
12. Roman Catholics are clustered in the U.S. southwest primarily because of migration ofa. Roman Catholics from Latin America b. Roman Catholics from the northeast U.S.
c. Roman Catholics from Ireland d. Protestants to the north
13. Hinduism's caste systema. assigns everyone to a distinct class b. decrees the pilgrimages which should be

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