Odysseus and his relation to Poetry? When he hears the music he wants to go to them; but he had prepared not to. So it’s a struggle within him, reason tells him to stay alive and be concscious because he knows how powerful poetry is so he must avoid it. HE has a desire for preservation and he knows life is good and wants to stay alive. He has power of reason and beauty. Can't be seduced even though he knows how beatiful and attractive they are. Some people are never seduced by beauty or glory, and it takes a certain kind of man to be able to appreciate the beauty of poetry and tempation of glory to not give into those things. Achilles gave in and died in battle. Odysseus can say he has heard the music of the sirens but he never gave in. He has faced adversity and has furthered his self knowledge. He is constantly testing himself by giving himself these tasks and overcoming them. i.E. heading into hades and facing death. Circes wasn't able to seduce Odysseus A bit of homer in the story as well: The story is filled with beauty, is Homer seduced by the beauty that he speaks of? To what extent does poetry and beauty hide from man the fundamental ugliness of nature? In the end you just end of a
Odysseus and his relation to Poetry? When he hears the music he wants to go to them; but he had prepared not to. So it’s a struggle within him, reason tells him to stay alive and be concscious because he knows how powerful poetry is so he must avoid it. HE has a desire for preservation and he knows life is good and wants to stay alive. He has power of reason and beauty. Can't be seduced even though he knows how beatiful and attractive they are. Some people are never seduced by beauty or glory, and it takes a certain kind of man to be able to appreciate the beauty of poetry and tempation of glory to not give into those things. Achilles gave in and died in battle. Odysseus can say he has heard the music of the sirens but he never gave in. He has faced adversity and has furthered his self knowledge. He is constantly testing himself by giving himself these tasks and overcoming them. i.E. heading into hades and facing death. Circes wasn't able to seduce Odysseus A bit of homer in the story as well: The story is filled with beauty, is Homer seduced by the beauty that he speaks of? To what extent does poetry and beauty hide from man the fundamental ugliness of nature? In the end you just end of a