Group Work
Using your own words as far as possible, Summarize the given article.
cHoosE oNE (1) ARTICLE ONLY. your summary which must be in continuous writing (NOT lN NOTE FORM), must not be longer than 130 words including the 10 words given (at the beginning of the summary)' and The summary must be typed using Times New Roman (12 font size) or Arial (11 font size) your printing must be in black.
Baed on the passage given, write a summary about
. .
why the education system needs an overhaul the suggestions belng offered by educationists and experts
Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning.
Your summary must be rn continuous writing.(not in note [orm)
not be longer than 130 words, including the I0 words given below
Begin your summary as foilows:
The Education Minister plans to revamp the examination-based education system...
Eclucation Mit-tistcr L)ntul< Scri t-lishammuddir-r Husscln opcncd a l,andorab Box o[problems wlren he announcecl recenrly thar Malaysia's educarion s1;stem would shed its examinarionoriented loctis Ttr sceptics, his statement that the currenr system was impracrical, failed to assess rhe a new
capabiliries o[sruclents and was a burden on borh students and teichers, was merely
conulunicarirtn ancl reasoning skiIIs.
Malaysian stud^ents spent an average of 3.8 hours a day doing homework which was regarded as a "waste oi time." Perlraps the rnost damning indictment o[ an examination-oriented education system cottles irom ernpioyers, particularly multrnationals, who in recenr years have lourld sr-rbstantial nuutbers o[ local graduates r-inemployable because ol their lact< oi
dilfeling vieu,s A study carried out Lry a group of Australian principals and researchers founcl that .
Abdul Razal< Emeritus Prolessor Datuk Kh.oo Kay Kim, Professor ol Malaysian History says that the task o[