The statement that Heraclitus is known for is one cannot step in the same river twice is a head scratcher; however, I think what Heraclitus is trying to say is that one cannot …show more content…
step into a river twice is because the one that steps into the river changes but the river stays the same. If one were to step into the river twice they would change the flow of the river or change the river as a whole. I suppose it is like saying you will not see it the same way or it will not feel the same way. Now I think the theory everything moves, nothing stays comes into play because everything is moving and changing because nothing is staying. Which would be a part of the river because the river is always flowing and that’s how flux is also a part of the statement. Heraclitus puts this statement in a non-comprehendible way but once you break it down it all kind of makes sense and the puzzle pieces start to fit. I think that the theory everything moves, nothing stays, plays a role in one cannot step into the same river twice because the one that cannot step into the river twice has changed. However, the river is the same and one cannot step into the river other wise it could completely change the river. It is as if it represents a still moment, meaning it stays there, but at the same time it is changing. If one were to step into a river twice it would disturb the river and everything around it. There is a lot of thought that goes into one cannot step into the same river twice because things do change and flow but not everything does. For example the river may change, but it is still in the same spot you left it or saw it. Comparing these two views is coherent to the flux and the unity of opposites because they play a role within each other.
Flux is described as always changing and always flowing and that relates to everything moves, nothing stays and one cannot step into the same river twice because the flux has to do with change and both of those views involve change but also things that stay the same.
Unity of opposites relates to everything moves, nothing stays and one cannot step into the same river twice because both situations are relatable but have opposite claims because whatever had to exist before that is what changed the specification of the river. Flux is relatable to one that cannot step into twice because it's basically saying that the flow of the river is never changing but always moving. That statement is true because a river will always be flowing, but it never really changes. Unity of opposites describes it as something needed to have existed before the river became about, which is why the theory everything moves, nothing stays, plays a role because whatever existed before the river is what made the river become what it is. However, whatever had existed was completely opposite have the river now and how it became yet it still was needed in order for the river to be there. Flux and the unity of opposites are coherent because the flux is always flowing and changing, but the unity of opposites had to change in order for the existing specification to be what it is now. They are both an association with each other because the two statements cooperate
Heraclitus has solid argument on both statements. He has a vigorous argument on the fact that one cannot step into the same river twice because he strongly believes that it will change. I believe he holds a good argument and I agree with him because it is valid. It is valid for me because I would not want to see something change that is not supposed to change. I think things should change naturally and have a natural flow. One cannot step into the same river twice because your perception will have changed meaning the river will have changed when in reality it is actually at the same flow. Everything moves and nothing stays because it is changing but something’s stay but still change for example the river but the one-stepping into it has changed. Heraclitus statement about one not stepping into the same river twice is correct because you are able to argue it and understand it by breaking it down and realizing that if you were to step into the same river twice you are changing the existence and the specifications because you are the one who has changed and moved the river has not. I think it is a very difficult theory to comprehend but breaking it down into small intricate ideas and thoughts it makes it easier to understand that Heraclitus is saying that if you step into the same river twice that everything will still continue to change and move because everything moves and nothing stays.