In this essay I will evaluate the site and situation of the Nottingham Road area. Through this evaluation I will support the notion that Nottingham Road is a cross roads village. I will also provide a brief history of Nottingham Road in order to fully comprehend the topic at hand.
Established in around the 1850’s, Nottingham Road was originally a small farming village, however there was no real infrastructure and the provincial leaders did not consider it a village, but …show more content…
The warm yet wet climate of Nottingham Road bettered the farming ability. After the introduction of the railway line, Nottingham Road became quite a popular stop off point and thus the “CBD” was formed. The CBD area was originally chosen to be close to the railway road. The CBD was also used as a rural service-centre to the outlying community. The first building built was the Post Office.
The situation in Nottingham Road has evolved over the numerous years. In the beginning the situation was the environmental factors and farming ability. With the introduction of the railway line the situation changed as an area which could better socially and economically with a railway stop, whilst still benefiting from the farming industry. With the introduction of the R103 (and later the N3) the area became a rural service centre and a popular tourist destination, whilst still benefiting from the railway service and farming industry.
Socio-economics of Nottingham