However, I do think the article could have done a better job in proving it’s general thesis. The article has terrific discussion on the inherent dilemma of being an authoritarian ruler who relies on the military. On one hand, they need a strong military to support their rule. On the other hand, a stronger military is more likely to lead a coup. Ben Ali’s decision was to keep the military week, underequipped, and ill-informed. For many years this worked to prevent the military form challenging his rule, while at the same time widening the divide between his regime and his military. The article does a very good job tying this to the eventual role of the military during the Arab Spring crisis, when they eventually stood aside and did not violently shut down the
However, I do think the article could have done a better job in proving it’s general thesis. The article has terrific discussion on the inherent dilemma of being an authoritarian ruler who relies on the military. On one hand, they need a strong military to support their rule. On the other hand, a stronger military is more likely to lead a coup. Ben Ali’s decision was to keep the military week, underequipped, and ill-informed. For many years this worked to prevent the military form challenging his rule, while at the same time widening the divide between his regime and his military. The article does a very good job tying this to the eventual role of the military during the Arab Spring crisis, when they eventually stood aside and did not violently shut down the