The task of the project is to improve the Novenco fire fighting system by designing a developed version without the problem of clogging. There have been made two alternative systems which both can eliminate the problem. To choose between the two alternatives I have made a preliminary plan for both cases. The plan consists of the best possible team for developing the new Novenco FF and a plan for how the project will progress. This will be a way to work together and structure the work in the best way which also reduces the cycle of time. Additionally it is systematic process to move the new fire fighting system through various stages which makes it move from an idea to launch.
Choosing the team
To choose the best team you have to gather a team consisting of different employees with difference competences and different areas of specialisations. The first thing is to find out which departments the different members of the team should be drawn from and the second is to decide what their expertises should be in the light of tailoring the project team to the project. In my opinion the two new alternatives are improvements of the original design based on a system error and therefore only needs to be developed. This means it is a new feature which has to be added to the already sold fire fighting systems and in the future just be a part of the Novenco fire fighting system.
Project team alternative 1
Alternative 1 is a flushing system. It automatically flushes out the corrosion materials from the pipes by engaging the pump units and the valves.
The first I would like is the expertise from suppliers. They have a deeply insight in how their parts of the whole system works or reacts. Only they know what their parts is consisting of to fully.
The next thing to consider is how it can be made. To handle this problem I would gather people who know a lot about technology. This means product development and quality and standards. They should