of words from the actual meaning to how they are used between daily human interaction. The last type of idol is the Idols of the Theatre that can be explained as individuals proclivity to a logical fallacy. Thus Francis Bacon states that in order to prevent prejudice and errors we must abolish the Idols.
Throughout the film Dear White People, many of Francis Bacon’s Idols can be found within some of the characters and scenarios they act out. For example one of the Idols known as the Idols of Tribe can best be seen in one of the characters in the movie named Colandrea ‘Coco’ Conners. This character is a young African American woman who can be categorized to the Idols of Tribe as she tends to believe what benefits her the most. For example, this character tends to associate with caucasian social groups more in an attempt to fit in her predominantly white school. Coco also goes as far as denying that the neighborhood she grew up in is a bad neighborhood in an attempt again to be seen the same as other classmates she thinks are cool or well benefit her future the most. Another Idol found within the film is Idols of the Cave which can be clearly seen in the campus housing situation. Students have certain biases when it comes to housing as some want to be in a certain housing complex rather than another due to who lives within them and the bragging rights that comes along with it. Thus this results in the different groups within the housing buildings to have mistaken beliefs about other groups who live elsewhere as they believe that they think they are better than them due to where they live. Essentially starting racial tension within the campus. Thus resulting in the film clearly portraying the first two Idols found within the Baconian method.
The other two Idols found in Novum Organum can also be seen within the film Dear White People.
The Idols of the Marketplace is clearly portrayed through the films social groups found within the campus as they all seem to be categorized into a specifically named group. Hence this results in people generalizing individuals within a group to the term that is assigned to the group they belong to. Thus demonstrating the Idol of the Marketplace as they misuse the word to describe someone simply due to their associations. The last Idol demonstrated is the Idols of the Theatre which can be seen in the political leanings of some of the characters. For example, this can be seen throughout the elections for the head of the house between Sam and Troy Fairbanks. Majority of the school wants Troy Fairbanks to win as he tends to keep all social groups happy within the housing on campus. However, when Sam wins everyone is shocked as it seems like the prejudice towards Troy has been destroyed. Consequently, Gloria Fiero states that in order “ to purge the mind of prejudice and false thinking, one must, argued Bacon, destroy the Idols” (Pg. 116). Accordingly, this scenario ultimately demonstrates Sam destroying the Idols of the
Additionally, Henry S. Turner states in his work Francis Bacon’s Common Notion that “New Organum is a new logic, one that aims to teach and instruct the understanding” (Pg. 10). In other words, Henry S. Turner agrees with Gloria Fiero’s that the Francis Bacon Idols lead to an instructive way of thinking and essentially living. Thus if an individual was to follow the Baconian method he would destroy the Idols and consequently cleanse his mind of false thinking. Similarly to how one of the main characters Sam did towards the end of the film when she abruptly stopped her introduction to her radio show as she realized that by destroying the Idols, in this case, her radio show she would live a much better life. In the end demonstrating that the presence of Francis Bacon’s Idols are present even in today's society.