14 November 2013
Inside Bill Mckibben’s Persona
It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the fact that global warming is slowly but surely leading the human race to an imminent and inevitable extermination. Over the past two decades or so, scientists have been working arduously in search of answers of climatic change and other nature-based phenomenon instead of finding a way to prevent it. Bill Mckibben, an American environmentalist, educated scholar and author of newspaper article “Now or Never”, has worked extensively on the impact and kindled people’s interest in global warming. Mckibben discusses how burning carbon based fossil fuels would lead a gargantuan amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere. More importantly, the molecular …show more content…
structure of the fumes traps heat causing dramatic climatic alteration such as extreme flooding or drought. This constant unbalance is known as global warming. Throughout the article, Bill Mckibben is deeply concerned yet he portrays his persona as eccentric with a few amusing remarks to capture the reader’s attention and interest.
For instance, his essay is indeed academic and informative, it presents a potential global crisis which should not be taken lightly, but the way it was described and the brilliant choice of simple words comes across with a fluid comprehension that anyone may be able to understand. Not only the author uses words like “stuff” “screw” and “tackle” to clarify the dilemma, but through this we can appreciate his eccentric persona. These words were included because he knew that if he used professional, scientific terms, he would lose focus on the everyday reader and eventually lead a loss of interest. One can infer that Mckibben’s persona is of concern and displease when he says that for years scientist have been “lavishly funded by the government”, (p.591) to realize years later the obvious conclusion that we were undeniably causing a dramatic rise in temperature. He is annoyed because years were wasted in doing research of its origin instead of searching for theories or options to avoid the dire consequences.
“By the time the magnitude of the change is truly in our faces, it will be too late to do much about it: There 's such a lag time with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that we need to be making the switch to solar and wind and hydrogen right about now.”(p.592)
Throughout the article he expresses concern.
In this citing, he makes an imperative remark that we cannot keep procrastinating because if we do not take action, there will be nothing left to sustain human life due to intense, dramatic temperatures. He wishes for effective sources of clean, renewable energy that will not pollute Earth. Solar panels, windmills and hydropower are promising but it is still the minority in energy outcome. Mckibben uses allusion to also express deep concern. It is referred as “The public policy from Hell” (p.590) Hell stated as a reference and congruent to global warming.
Another personality trait is eccentric and funny in an unconventional way. For example, he expresses his personal loathing of SUV’s characterizing it as a mere symbol of contribution because it is entirely unnecessary. The sarcastic tone in the next example compensates and makes is amusing. The narrative deals with a very serious situation but in a comical manner.
“Go to the parking lot of the nearest suburban supermarket and look around: the only conclusion you can draw is that to reach the grocery, people must drive through three or four raging rivers and up the side of a trackless canyon.”
Bill Mckibben states that until global warming makes a personal impact, an unfortunate series of events that may leave Earth in the brink of existence; sadly, there will not be much of a change. He says “The only way that may happen, short of a hideous drought or monster flood…” (p.594) clearly he depicts the basic human characteristic: laziness. It will not be until the last minute where we will care and do anything and everything to make the world a better place.
Finally, one can conclude that Bill Mckibben is certainly firm in his beliefs and hopes that someday people will focus in a more essential and important interest such as preserving natural resources and wild life so that the world as we know it may be an enjoyable one for future generations. Once the article has been read, there is no doubt that his persona, being a realistic one but also concerned and eccentric, as well as his tone and writing skills made a unique and honest piece of literature that is both educational and entertaining.
Works Cited
Branson, Richard. "Now or Never: Why We Must Act Now to End Climate Change and Create a Sustainable Future." PublishersWeekly.com. Atlantic Monthly, 01 Sept. 2009. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. .
Flannery, Tim F. Now or Never: Why We Need to Act Now to Achieve a Sustainable Future. Toronto: HarperCollins, 2009. Print.
Mckibben,Bill. “Now or Never.” Literature for compostion. Ed.Sylvan Barnet, William Burto, and William E.Cain 10th. Ed. New York: Pearson, 2014.590-594.Print.