Meet Taylor, a student in the RN-to-BSN online program at Chamberlain College of Nursing.
Organization and Time Management
Starting a new venture can be exciting and challenging. You 're pleased to begin a new phase in your life, yet concerned about how you 'll handle all of the new responsibilities. You may already have a job, family, and other commitments, and now you 've added school to the list. Are there enough hours in the day?
One way to answer this question is to take a serious look at how much time you spend working, sleeping, caring for your family, and engaging in outside activities. Ask yourself what could be consolidated, eliminated, or delegated to someone else to allow you more time for school.
The Question
As a nurse, you already have many organizational and time management skills that you put to use every day in your job. Think about your skills, and then click to view the answer.
Your Answer
The Expert Says
If you are a staff nurse, each morning you check the assignment board to see which patients you 'll care for that day, gather your report sheets, and enter the conference room. You 'll listen to reports focusing on the important issues and jotting down notes to help you remember the items later in the day. Chances are that you have a system for taking report that even involves writing the important issues in certain locations on your report sheet for easy retrieval later. As you leave the conference room, you 're thinking about meds due in the next hour and organizing your medication cart. You make rounds on your patients and do assessments next. Whether you use a written list or a mental one, you 've already determined what important events need to be taken care of during your shift. Who is going to surgery and needs the preoperative checklist completed? Who is going home and needs discharge teaching and confirmation of transportation? Who is a first-day postop patient and needs
References: Benner, P. (1984). From novice to expert. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley. Hood, L. J. (2010). Leddy & Pepper 's conceptual bases of professional nursing. (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.