American criminal justice.
Core components
1. Police
2. Courts
3. Corrections
How this 3 work together and how they need money to run and they get their money from the tax payers.
1) Out of 1000 serious crimes 500 are unreported crimes, out of 500 crimes reported to the police 400 are unsolved crimes.
2) Nationally, crime statistics come from two major sources: Uniform Crime Reports (also known as the UCR/NIBRS Program) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
UCR: clearance rates
Clearance rate= number of crimes solved, number of crimes committed. Clearances are based on arrests, not on judicial disposition (Schamalleger, F. 2011). Sheriff , chief of police are required to every year give a crime date collection to the FBI. Some states do not report all their crimes to NIBRS (Schamalleger, F. 2011)
NIBRS: the new UCR. National incident based reporting system
Incident driven, rather than summary based. FBI started this program in 1989. Goals: to enhance and improve crime data collection, analysis, and publication (Schamalleger, F. 2011) Advantages: looks at all crimes, more accurate, differentiates between attempt and commission of a crime, collect weapon information, restructures assault and rape (Schamalleger, F. 2011)
Problems with the UCR/NIBRS and the NCVS
Not everyone reports
Some crimes are rarely reported
Victims inaccuracies
Bureaucratic influences
Hierarchical counting system
Contains only data that FBI thinks is appropriate
There is potential for false or exaggerated reports
False reports may be generated by overzealous interviewers
Some people won’t respond
Respondents may suffer from faulty memories
Respondents may misinterpret events
Hierarchical counting system
Contains only