1. Which of the following is true about a TCP/IP network? The network uses standards defined in TCP/IP RFC's plus other standards.
2. Which of the following terms is not a common synonym for TCP/IP model? Ethernet / TCP/IP Mapping
3. Think generically about the idea of a networking standard, ignoring any particular standard or standards group. Which of the following is typically true of a standard? It exists as a written document / it has been passed through some form of review and approval or certification process
4. Contrast an international standard as compared to a de facto standard? De facto standard documents have been reviewed more thoroughly. / De Facto standards typically mean that the standards group has been authorized by many countries to create standards that apply to multiple countries
5. Which of the following are true about the commonly used version of the TCP/IP model as shown in this chapter? The data link layer sits lower in the model than the transport layer. / The physical layer sits just below the data link layer
6. The TCP/IP model refers to standards other than those the IETF defines in RFC's. Which of these standards groups is typically the source of external LAN standards? IEEE / ANSI
7. Which of the following is not a typical reason for a group of ten companies to start a vendor group, for the purpose of pushing a new networking technology? To keep intellectual property rights to the technology inside the company
8. The TCP/IP and OSI models have some obvious differences, like the number of layers. Think about the more commonly used version of the TCP/IP model discussed in this chapter, and then think about how to talk about TCP/IP using OSI terms. Which of the following is a correctly phrased statement for how to use OSI terminology? IP is a network layer protocol
9. Historically, which of the following models were the earliest models used in corporate networks? TCP/IP