Electrical Stimulation
1. Complete the following statements by filling in your answers on the appropriate lines below.
A motor unit consists of a ___1___ and all the ___2___ it innervates.
Whole muscle contraction is a(n) ___3___ response.
A ___4___ is the response of a muscle to a single, brief threshold stimulus.
When the frequency of stimulation is so high that the muscle tracing shows fused peaks, ___5___ has been achieved.
___6___ is the stimulus strength at which the first observable muscle contraction occurs
The phenomenon, called ___7___, brings more and more muscle fibers into play
1. _motor neuron___
2. _muscle fibers___
3. _involuntary___
4. _Muscle …show more content…
As the total force increased, the active force ( increased / decreased ).
5. Explain what happens to muscle force production at extremes of length (too short or too long). (Hint: Think about sarcomere structure and actin and myosin interactions)
Muscle too short: _Muscle force produced is reduced and they lose their strength as they cannot contract.___
Muscle too long: _Muscle force production is reduced because of insufficient overlap of actin and myosin. There isn’t maximal cross bridge formation.___
6. Select the LETTER of the condition from column B that most correctly identifies the term in column A.
Column A Column B
__C__ 1. Muscle twitch
_E___ 2. Wave summation
_B___ 3. Multiple motor unit summation
__F__ 4. Resting length
_D___ 5. Resistance
_I___ 6.concentric isotonic contraction (shortening)
_H___ 7. Eccentric isotonic contraction (lengthening)
_A___ 8. Motor unit
_G___ 9. tetanus
A. Many cells responding to one neuron
B. Affects the speed of a muscle contration
C. A single contraction of intact muscle
D. Recruitment
E. The addition of one twitch to