Exercise 2 1. The lub sound occurs during the closing of the Atrioventricular valve caused by ventricular contraction. The R wave occurs during the depolarization of the ventricles. Hence the lub sound occurs because of both the depolarization and consequently the closing of the AV valves which prevent blood flow back into the atria. …show more content…
No the time between the R wave and the lub sound is not necessarily consistent. There may be potential delays caused by weak blood flow, delay in ventricular conduction and the integrity of the actual valves. Hence, the time between the R wave and lub sound are not necessarily consistent.
3. The dub sound is caused by the closing of the semi lunar valves due to the relaxation of the ventricles and the drop in pressure. The blood pressure in the ventricles drops below that of the arteries causing the closing of the ventricles. Hence the T wave represents the repolarization of the ventricles. Since they are being repolarized, they are no longer able to