Deadline: 15/1/13
Recommending a PC
A family friend has asked for your advice on selecting a computer for their two children. Ben is a games enthusiast and enjoys playing all the latest computer games. Jerry, on the other hand, is the creative one and enjoys making videos and will want to edit them on the new computer. He also enjoys digital photography and takes a lot of pictures with his camera and edits them. They would also like to be able to connect the PC to the new flat screen TV and home theatre system they have recently purchased so they can watch movies they have downloaded on this equipment. They have also heard that a computer can be used as a digital video recorder so they would like that …show more content…
Screen reading software - describes what is on the screen using a synthesized vocal engine
2. Screen magnification software - zooms into the active part of the screen to a size acceptable to the user.
Accessibility Features in Windows 7
The features below are available in all central PC clusters. They can be launched from the 'Start ' menu under All Programs | Programs Core | Accessibility
Narrator - screen reading
Narrator will read out menu items, files and folders and items such as dialog boxes. However, it will not read out the intricate detail of an application that you are using, or the document within it. For this you will need a full screen reader. The University of Manchester has licensed the sensory suite of applications for this purpose including a magnifier, reader, a combined magnifier and reader and a tool for line arising web pages. See below for details.
Magnifier - screen magnifier
Magnifier will allocate a section of your screen (by default at the top) where it will display a magnified version of what is under your mouse. It is also possible to configure it to follow the keyboard focus instead of the mouse position.
Software Available
We also provide applications to support beyond the built-in facilities of Windows 7. These