SLA Ammendments
Clause 6 on non-exclusivity needs to be addressed. The lack of information here pertaining to the non-exclusivity of the 3 companies involved can be a huge security issue. The data being used here will not be exclusive to only one company, but rather all 3. However, provisions will need to be in place to where the data is shared only between these 3 companies, and not used for any other reason.
Finman would best protect its data by limiting the amount exposed to Datanal and Minertek. The data exposed should only be limited to exactly what is needed to complete the project. Finman should create a data pool that will only be used for the duration of the SLA, and that …show more content…
Statements such as “highest standards” and “particular precautions” are not clear on how they apply to this specific case. Each company should have specific standards, all agreed upon, on how they will interact and handle the shared data, and communications involved with it. This is one small step in protecting Finman’s patents, copyrights and intellectual …show more content…
The Copyrights and Rights Database Regulations (CRDR) was created in the United Kingdom. Charles Goldblatt reports that “A special breed of protection for databases was implemented in the UK by the Copyright and Rights in Databases Regulations 1997 (“Database Regulations”), following the passage of Council Directive 96/9/EC of 14 March 1996; this directive applies Europe, and required member states to implement their own local law to give effect to the directive for the legal protection of databases.” Hosting the servers in this region would allow the information to be covered under this act. The CRDR provides a fifteen year protection of information for all data located in the databases, and due to the standards set by the SLA, the data collected will be destroyed before the protection of CRDR is complete.
Metrics and Quality The metrics here and are not defined. I would define these metrics in the SLA rather than just say they are defined, which will need to be agreed upon by all 3 parties. The progress can then be judged as time goes by according to these metrics. If at any time Finman feels, and can prove, that Datanal and Mintertek are not meeting the requirements set by these metrics, Finman can cancel the SLA. I would also remove the entire second paragraph in the metrics clause due to its lack of relevance pertaining to the SLA. The quality section can be added to the metrics section, and the