Use least-privileged accounts, consider the granularity of access, enforcing separation of privileges, secure the system resources against system identities DB system having multiple administrators Using insecure custom administration interfaces, insecure configuration of files on the server, storing sensitive information in the clear text form, using overprivileged process accounts and service accounts Hacker Unauthorized access to configuration stores, Retrieval of clear text configuration secrets Encrypt sensitive sections of configuration files, secure settings for various operations of web services using configuration files, usage of access control lists
Use least-privileged accounts, consider the granularity of access, enforcing separation of privileges, secure the system resources against system identities DB system having multiple administrators Using insecure custom administration interfaces, insecure configuration of files on the server, storing sensitive information in the clear text form, using overprivileged process accounts and service accounts Hacker Unauthorized access to configuration stores, Retrieval of clear text configuration secrets Encrypt sensitive sections of configuration files, secure settings for various operations of web services using configuration files, usage of access control lists