1. Isolation, fixation and mounting of specimens.
1.1. Bulk-fixed material processing. Ciliates are concentrated by centrifugation or settling and then washed two to three times with distilled water by centrifugation until the yellow colour disappears. Avoid excessive washing, as this may weaken the impregnation. After the last washing, discard supernatant, leaving about 0.1 ml of the sample. Add 0.01 ml of Mayer’s albumen glycerol solution and mix gently to avoid foaming. Incubate the cells in this solution for about 30 min. Transfer the precipitate with ciliates evenly on 2 or 3 grease-free cover glasses (24×24 mm) and distribute across the surface using a mounting eyelash or fine insect needle. Remove excess liquid carefully with a micropipette …show more content…
Native material processing. When the “live counting” procedure used, pick out each enumerated specimen from counting chamber (e.g. Bogorov’s counting tray) under a stereomicroscope using a micropipette and squirt it into a concave slide, embryonic dish or watch glass half-filled with Bouin’s fixative. NOTE. A live counting usually takes a long time, because it requires the pre-identification of certain species in a living state under high magnification of a microscope. To prevent the fixative fluid from drying or crystallising, hold the concave slide in a Petri dish with moist filter paper on the bottom, or cover embryonic dish with a