Step 1: Boot up the computer by pressing the power button.
Step 2: Select Oracle Virtualbox using the mouse.
Step 3:Open Fedora by using the Virtualbox Machine and click start when Fedora is selected.
Step 4: With the vi editor in command mode type in, “:ab Nathaniel NH” to set the abbreviation for Nathaniel. Next press the “shift” key and the “o” key to move the text down one line. This also will put the vi editor in insert mode. Then, “Nathaniel” should be typed in After “Nathaniel” is typed in, press the spacebar to replace it with the abbreviation “NH.” …show more content…
Step 5: With the vi editor in command mode,type in, “:map V /let”.
Then add a space. Next, type in “dd”.Then, press the “Ctrl” key, “v” key, and “esc” key at the same time to map this key. FInally, press the “Enter” key.
Step 6: Press the “U” key to undo the text changes. Step 7: To list the current file in the current directory, type in “: ! ls”.The “garden” file along with other files will be shown in the current directory.
Step 8: With the vi editor in command mode, press the arrow keys to move the cursor to the end of the abbreviated name.Then,type in, “:r ! date”. The date will be displayed underneath the abbreviated name.
Step 9: Move the cursor to the end to the end of the file using the arrow keys. Then, “:r file1” was typed into the command line. The file “file1” was placed at the end of the garden file.
Step 10: To save the file with another name, type in, “ :w gardenfile1” into the vi editor while in command mode.
Step 11: To set the showmode option, type in, “:set showmode” into the vi editor while in command
Step 12: To set the line number option, type in, “:set number” and the line numbers appeared.
Step 13: To move the cursor to last line of the file, type in, “20G’”. The cursor will move to line 20 which is the last line of the file.
Step 14: Move the cursor to the first line of the file by typing in, “1G”. The cursor will move to the first line of the file.
Step 15: To move the cursor to line 10, type in, “10G”. The cursor will then move to line 10 of the file.
Step 16: To search for the word weeds, type in, “/weeds” into the vi editor. The vi editor will search forward for the word weeds. Once the word is found, the cursor will blink at the beginning of the word weeds.
Step 17: To set the report option to 1, type in, “:set report=1”. Now every one action is reported in the command line.
Step 18: To remove the numbers option and the line numbers, type in, “:set nonumber”.
Step 19: Place the cursor on line 7 by using the arrow keys. Then,type in,“5dd”. 5 lines of text will be deleted. The feedback message will state, “5 fewer lines.” Press the “U” key to undo the changes.
Step 20: To copy five lines of the beginning of the file, type in, “1G’ to move the cursor to the first line. Next, type in, “5yy” which will copy and yank 5 lines of text. Then, type in, “20G” to move the cursor to the end of the file. Finally, press “p” to put the 5 lines underneath of line 20.
Step 21: “The paging keys move the text up and down. “Ctrl d” movesthe text down while “Ctrl u” moves the text up.
Step 22: To copy five lines of the current file to another file , type in “:1,5 w temp” to write the first five line to the “temp” file.
Step 23: Type in “1G” to move the cursor to the first line. Then type in, :r ! date” to add the date to the beginning of the file.
Summary and Questions
The vi editor is a primitive, yet useful word editor. It can still be used whne the graphical user interface can not be loaded, unlike Microsoft Word or OpenOffice.In the vi editor there are many interesting commands. Some of these commands are the report and the map command. The report command tells a message about what is happening on the terminal screen. This is very interesting because I user can get written feedback on what is happening on the screen, so that the user is less likely to make mistakes. A command that was difficult to use was the map command. It was difficult to use and required deft finger dexterity.