“The classic waterfall model views the optimal process for software development as a linear or sequential series of phases that take developers from initial high-level requirements through system testing and product shipment.” 2 Microsoft isn’t the only one either. “Due to the success of the Waterfall model, many software development firms and industrial manufacturers have adopted it as their prime development framework and SDLC to plan, build, and maintain their products.” ¬3 Though it is one of the first software project development methods, the waterfall method remains one of the
“The classic waterfall model views the optimal process for software development as a linear or sequential series of phases that take developers from initial high-level requirements through system testing and product shipment.” 2 Microsoft isn’t the only one either. “Due to the success of the Waterfall model, many software development firms and industrial manufacturers have adopted it as their prime development framework and SDLC to plan, build, and maintain their products.” ¬3 Though it is one of the first software project development methods, the waterfall method remains one of the