NT 1430
Tyrel Cain (19103625)
Tyrel Cain
NT 1430
Unit 8 Chapter Exercises
Chapter 21
5. How does an LDAP directory differ from a relational database system?
Instead of holding information in rows and columns, an LDAP directory has a hierarchical data structure that groups information with similar attributes. 6. What is the basic unit of information in an LDAP directory? What is the structure of an attribute?
An entry is the basic unit of information in an LDAP directory.
Each attribute has a name (an attribute type or description) and one or more values.
10. Where is the LDAP device object class defined? Which of its attributes are mandatory and which are optional?
The device object class is defined in the /etc/openldap/schema/core.ldif file. Its mandatory attribute is cn. Its optional attributes are serialNumber,
SeeAlso, owner, ou, o, l, and description.
11. How would you determine the longer name for the l (lowercase “l”) LDAP …show more content…
The net- work that NIS serves is called an NIS domain. Each NIS domain has one master server; larger networks might have slave servers. And Samba is a suite of programs that enables a server to share directory hierarchies and printers with a client. Typically the server is a Linux system and the client is a Windows machine. A directory hierarchy or printer that Samba shares between server and client systems is called a share. To access a share on a Linux system, a Windows user must supply a username and password. Usernames must correspond to Linux usernames either directly or as mapped by the file that is pointed to by the username map parameter in smb.conf, often /etc/samba/smbusers. Samba passwords are generated by smbpasswd and kept in a Trivial Database named