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Below are some update: Major and Minor release item can be decided on the base of Code change required or not. If you can create a minor release item with code change requirement, SDL approval is first required to move forward. Here Himanshu mention if we can create a minor release item a formal UAT is not required – which is not true - NOTE: we must have UAT approval from the business owner no matter the Release item is minor or major.
Checklist question raised by Sahil: under the document bottom Note: we have provided information, the responsible team member to update the checklist. Mutual understanding is not the case here as Angad mention. …show more content…
: YES, we need a BRD without exception. If we skip the BRD then it is the SDL responsibility to provide a clarification. without BRD we are not able to set the scope for the release item and Business can find a gap where they can always come back to us to ask further more changes even we are at the UAT phase. Agree with Angad, if we skip the BRD we should have a business justification in writing with updating the release item work note. Prefer, we should not skip the