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Associate of Science degree in Your Degree
Paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
NT 2580 Fundamentals of Information Systems Security
ITT Technical Institute –
To: Supervisor of Richman Investment
From: IT Intern As you have requested, here are the “Internal Use Only” data classification standard four the company. I have broken down the IT Infrastructure by its 7 domains, paying particular attention the first 3 which are the Internal Use Only layers. The first domain would be Users, which are the most threatening thing in the IT infrastructure. Here is a personal interaction with your domain; protection usually is from issuing ID logins and Passwords. As you biggest threat, taking precaution to monitor your users lands with your domain Admins. Since your users can access everything in your domain, you must limit them to what they can do and monitor when they logon. The second domain is the workstation, which is a vital part to you internal use as it is your access to the network. With this we have our users at our workstations getting on the network via the NIC (Network Interface Card) to actually get into the LAN. To get into these workstations, there needs to be some type of security such as analog like Passwords and IDs or Biometrics like thumb prints or Swipe Cards. The third domain is the actual LAN or Local Area Network which is basically where all the workstations connect to one another locally. This is the last of the internal use only standard because after this point, TCP and UDP are now affected since from the exit point to the wide area network or WAN, all information sent out is no longer as secure since its now on a openly public network, the world wide web. These are the particular areas of which we can control local and
References: Kim, D., & Solomon, M. (2012). Fundamentals of information systems security. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones & Bartlett Learning