In the documentary Mystery of the African Pharaohs directed by Dr Vivian Davies, Dr. Davies leaps off a transport system in the middle of the deserts and wonders across many pyramids in various conditions. Dr. Davies then announces , "They call these the forgotten pyramids, because of a western obsession with Egypt the Sudan is not on the tourist trail so these pyramids are rarely seen by westerners, and yet there are more pyramids here in the Sudan then they are in Egypt"(Davies). When the narrator says that he explains the common misconnection many westerns have and proving how Nubians and Egyptians are similar not only in power but in structures. The narrator explains that they not only have pyramids identical to Egypt, but they have more as well. As mentioned earlier because of western media and its interpretation of other countries cultures, it seems to only give you summarized version of the world which lacks information for society to create comparisons and
In the documentary Mystery of the African Pharaohs directed by Dr Vivian Davies, Dr. Davies leaps off a transport system in the middle of the deserts and wonders across many pyramids in various conditions. Dr. Davies then announces , "They call these the forgotten pyramids, because of a western obsession with Egypt the Sudan is not on the tourist trail so these pyramids are rarely seen by westerners, and yet there are more pyramids here in the Sudan then they are in Egypt"(Davies). When the narrator says that he explains the common misconnection many westerns have and proving how Nubians and Egyptians are similar not only in power but in structures. The narrator explains that they not only have pyramids identical to Egypt, but they have more as well. As mentioned earlier because of western media and its interpretation of other countries cultures, it seems to only give you summarized version of the world which lacks information for society to create comparisons and