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Uranium would be located in the reactor vessel. in the fuel rods there is a nuclear
Fission reaction happening. Lots of energy being released . Water absorbs energy and itt is presurised and moves over into the steam generator and where the liquid turns into a gas and because they move a lot faster. The air particles move the turbine and start to make a generator work and it produces a current producing electricity. Other steams go into the condensor and transforms it toa liquid and cools down. Moves out of condensor and moves to the cycle again. Advantage= get a lot of energy, enough electricity to power an entire city. Disadvantages= radioactive waste and no purpose. They will package a waya the waste and bury it or put it inside a mountain . They could possibly be used for nuclear weapons also …. When it goes through a meltdown it can affect a lot of people. Are we gonna be tested on the previous meltdowns?? 3 mile islands and chervoniyl .
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When u have t2 small isotopes (nuclei) the will fusse together and create an even larger one. How stars work!! They do not have chain reaction and re not as continous, we have to sustain them.