
Nuclear Fission

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Nuclear Fission
Nuclear Fission
Describe how a neutron can give energy to a nucleus and cause it to fission.
From the simulation, it shows that when an atom such as U235 combined with a neutron, it will makes the atom became unstable and nuclear fission will occur.
Explain the byproducts of a fission event.
The products of the fission of U235 are Kr92, Ba141, neutron and also huge amount of energy.
Explain how a chain reaction works, and describe the requirements for a sustained chain reaction large enough to make a bomb.
When nuclear fission occurs within an atom, I will produce 2 neutrons and the neutron will combine with another atom and another nuclear fission are also occur. This called the chained reaction and occurs in very short period of time. As we know each nuclear fission will produce huge energy, so when the chain reaction occurs, it will produce huge explosion like a bomb.
Explain how a nuclear reactor works and how control rods can be used to slow down the reaction
Nuclear power plants obtain the heat needed to produce steam through nuclear fission, entails the splitting of atoms of uranium in a nuclear reactor. The control rods are used to slow down the reaction because the rods are avoiding the neutron from combining with another uranium atom.

Beta Decay
Understand the process of beta decay
Beta decay occurs when, in a nucleus with too many protons or too many neutrons, one of the protons or neutrons is transformed into the other. From the simulation, I can see that the decay are frequently happen when near the half-life and half of the overall number of atom will decay before the half-life

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