Today nuclear power as an efficient and low consumption energy has been used widely, however, nuclear energy has potential and serious problems which people can not control.…
Nuclear power does not put out green house gasses, nuclear power does not pollute our water, and unlike some people believe nuclear power does not release toxic gasses into the air. Some people believe that it produces toxic gases into the air because they see the white clouds that come out of the top of the power plant cooling towers, but in fact those white clouds are actually just the water vapor that has been used to cool the systems, it is not toxic and therefore does not pollute the air. Nuclear energy uses either plutonium or uranium, depending on the type of the reactor. Nuclear reactors produce less waste than any other type of energy source. One pound of plutonium can produce the same amount of energy as 50,000 barrels of oil. The number of deaths caused by coal powered plants is about 24,000 a year. There were only 56 direct deaths caused by the Chernobyl reactor meltdown. Fukushima had no direct deaths, and the only other reported deaths were of the 3 men who were testing a portable reactor in Arco, Idaho. Arco was also the very first city in the world to be powered by nuclear…
As a result of the current global warming issues and the ever growing scarcity of our current energy resources we may be forced to resort to nuclear energy. The Department of Energy has already given its support to energy companies who have decided to construct nuclear power plants. It appears that nuclear power is the right course to take, but before this decision is finalised it is important to weigh the multiple advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power. There are many pros and cons, but they weigh up almost equally which makes it a hard decision to choose the right course of action, nuclear power or non-nuclear power.…
With nuclear power came what was thought to be a more clean alternative to burning coal and other fossil fuels; Nuclear power does not produce nearly as much of the greenhouse gases as coal produces. People and society have given nuclear power a bad name, considering the amount of accidents that have happened. Although when you look at statistics it’s not as many as you would believe, or expect. When nuclear power is put head to head with coal power, nuclear power is the more efficient, and the safest way of power production. There are several reasons for this like the amount of fuel burned, pollution levels, and the effect it has on the environment.…
No new nuclear power plants should be built because the increasing energy demand in the United States can be met with less negative environmental impact with power generated by renewable sources such as wind, solar, and tidal power. The “zero emissions” benefit of nuclear energy is a common misconception. The actual reaction in a nuclear power plant only creates steam and radioactive waste; it does not produce greenhouse gasses or particulate matter that the combustion of fossil fuels creates. But, due to reliance on existing fossil-fuel power for plant construction, decommissioning, and fuel processing as well as the mining, enrichment, and transport of uranium, the nuclear…
Many professors, scientists, researchers, and even governments, have been debating over the issue on the use of nuclear power as a main energy source. In Taking Sides, two authors who are highly narrow-minded state their debates on this critical issue. Allison MacFarlane, author of “Nuclear Power: Panacea for Future Energy Needs?”, believes that nuclear power should be revived. She argues that nuclear power will provide sufficient energy, while at the same time reducing carbon dioxide emissions. On the other hand, professor Kristin Shrader-Frechette, author of “Five Myths About Nuclear Energy”, argues that nuclear power is too expensive and unsafe for the environment, when there are renewable energy sources that are better for the environment and economy. I agree with Shrader-Frechette because she proves the five myths about nuclear energy wrong using extremely valid arguments, which exist to prove that nuclear power is not the best option for an energy source in our society.…
Though we have had worries and issues on how to handle our power situation in the future, nuclear power has always been a sparkling prospect. It has been gleaming there just waiting to be tapped. After the bombs and destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the world started to explore other avenues to use the science and power of atoms and came to discover nuclear power. Although this technology seemed like a god sent, there are inherent problems with the use and deployment of nuclear power. These problems have the potential to cause significant loss of life. In fact they have caused the loss of life before. Due to these issues, nuclear policy has always been a hotbed of debate. In actuality only several of the hundreds of reactors in existence have had problems. The first noteworthy accident and the one that will be discussed today was the accident at the Three Mile Island complex, here in the USA. Another accident occurred several years after at the Chernobyl compound. This accident which took place in the former USSR is the worse reactor accident to date and massive casualties were incurred. In addition to these; the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, which occurred earlier this month has put several reactors there in potentially an even worse place than Chernobyl. Focusing on Three Mile Island, this almost horrific accident occurred in the late seventies and was very close to going super critical (i.e. that is melting down). This accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear complex has greatly affected the United States of America and international nuclear policy. In the USA no reactors have been built since this accident. The accident reignited people’s fears of nuclear power. Stepping back for a minute, nuclear power first started evolving in the 1950’s. While research in this area had been done well before the fifties it was all for the purpose of academic and military use. This…
The good things about nuclear energy start with the environmental benefits. If done right, nuclear power will emit less than one one-hundredth of the green house gasses than coal or gas power. Coal and oil plants emit large amounts of CO2, which is proven to cause global warming, while nuclear energy creates no CO2 emissions. Compared to coal, natural gas, wind, and solar power, nuclear energy per kWh (kilowatt-hour) is the cheapest to produce. Although the running cost of nuclear power plants is already low, we are striving to lower the cost further by using new technology and by trying to better understand how nuclear energy works.…
There are numerous advantages of nuclear power; the purity of the energy manufacturing process is one of them. While nuclear energy is not pollutant free, it also does not emit nearly the amount of pollutants as various fossil fuel energies. Nuclear power plants do not release air emissions, such as carbon dioxide, but the necessary process of mining for uranium does. This is, arguably, the most essential feature of substituting fossil fuels with nuclear power. The incineration of fossil fuels has greatly contributed to the global warming problems we are having today. In 2010 alone, approximately 5,800 million metric tons of carbon dioxide was released into the atmosphere. (EPA, 2010.) Nuclear power can assist our modern society in continuing our lifestyles, while still relieving the atmosphere of the massive amount of pollutants that are bequeathed on to it consistently.…
In recent decades, the coal consumption among the whole world has sharply increased so as to meet the rapid development in every country. As generating electricity by coal is not renewable and environmental unfriendly, people tend to develop renewable energy like nuclear power, wind power, hydropower etc. though the cost of constructing the plants and utilizing is extremely high. Among the renewable energy mentioned above, nuclear power is the most popular to expand. Nuclear power is the use of nuclear fusion or fission from the reactor to generate electricity. It is highly efficient and produces only nuclear waste but no carbon emission. Nuclear power seems to be an ideal energy source but is it that good? In my opinion, nuclear power has too many drawbacks that they outweigh its advantages undoubtedly, so I oppose the expanding of nuclear power in our society.…
People have many different opinions on Nuclear Power plants and some are better than others. Some people believe that Nuclear Power Plants are too dangerous and risky, while others including us believe that nuclear power plants are good and that they can do a lot for us. Some reasons why people think nuclear power plants are bad is because they are known to be dangerous be for example the nuclear disaster in Fukushima Daiichi 2011. One big controversy of nuclear power plants is where they will store the radioactive waste. Then again many think nuclear power plants are good. They do not rely on fossil fuels, they cost less to produces electricity. We as a group think that the power plants are good and can help us produce electricity. One of…
Nuclear power is a type of nuclear technology involving the controlled use of nuclear fission to release energy for work including propulsion, heat, and the generation of electricity. Nuclear energy is a clean, safe, reliable and competitive energy source. A small amount of matter creates a large amount of energy. A lot of energy is generated from a single power plant. Nuclear plants help regions meet air pollution standards and also reduce the cost of air pollution control for emitting facilities. As per the reports in 1998,it has been calculated the emission of the greenhouse gas has reduced for nearly half due to the popularity in the use of nuclear power. Of all energy sources, nuclear energy has perhaps the lowest impact on the environment especially in relation to kilowatts produced because nuclear plants do not emit harmful gases, require a relatively small area. Nuclear energy is an emission-free energy source because it does not burn anything to produce electricity. Nuclear power plants produce no green house gases. Nor does nuclear energy produce carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases suspected to cause global warming.…
When a commodity like electricity becomes easily accessible, how it operates can be overlooked. We don’t have to know how it works as long as it works. Nuclear energy powers twenty percent of world energy needs, but is it really worth it? Is the energy worth it for disasters like Chernobyl or Fukushima? I believe that it’s not. Nuclear energy should not be utilized due to issues like radioactive water and radioactive waste.…
Nuclear energy is a clean, safe, reliable and competitive energy source. It is the only…
In 1950, the first commercial nuclear power plants were constructed. The public was promised a non-polluting and resourceful type of energy, but how safe was, and is, nuclear energy? Although there are less than 500 licensed nuclear power plants in the world, many nuclear accidents have already been endangering civilian lives. More serious accidents are not just likely, but inevitable (Fairchild 29). Nuclear energy may appear to be the ideal source of energy for the future: however, there are many negative effects of nuclear energy that can lead to very dangerous situations.…