Wang Ming ( 2012380022)
(Filippo Fiori)
1 Introduction 6
1.1 The Qualification Process 6
1.2 The Objective: the On-Transient Qualification by “CNA2 Scaled Calculations” 9
1.3 Structure of the Report 10
2 Facility description 11
3 Test description 11
4 Scaling approach 12
5 CNA2 scaled nodalization 16
5.1 Reference CNA2 Input 16
5.2 Common Features of CNA2 Scaled Nodalization 22
5.2.1 Atucha-2 Scaled Nodalization with Moderator System 24
5.3 Hardware differences between CNA2 and ITF 24
5.4 Geometry modifications 24
5.5 Boundary conditions 25
5.6 Logic/Setpoints 27
6 Reference CNA2 scaled calculation 27
6.1 Steady State Achievement 27
6.2 Transient results 29
6.2.1 List of resulting events 29
6.2.2 Visual comparison of time trends 29
6.2.3 RTA analysis 31
6.2.4 Summary judgment 31
7 Sensitivity analysis 32
7.1 Sensitivity 1: Calculation with Moderator system 32
7.1.1 Steady-state achievement 33
7.1.2 Transient results 36
7.2 Sensitivity 2: e.g. Kloss at the break 37
7.3 Sensitivity 3: e.g. Scaling with Kv 37
8 Conclusions 37
References 38
List of Figures
Figure 11: Similarity Analysis (block k) in UMAE flow chart. 9
Figure 51: REALP5-3D© “60ch” nodalization of CNA2: sketch of the RPV including the moderator tank. 18
Figure 52: RELAP5-3D© nodalization of CNA2: sketch of RCS, SGs, pressurizer and spray system. 19
Figure 53: REALP5-3D© “60ch” nodalization of CNA2: sketch of the moderator loops. 20
Figure 54: REALP5-3D© “60ch” nodalization of CNA2: sketch of the FW and KAG systems. 21
Figure 55: LPIS injection law. 26
List of Tables
Table 4—1: Scaling factors for a general KV scaled calculation. 12
Table 4—2: Scaling applied for initial and boundary conditions. 14
Table 5—1: Model geometry modifications. 24
Table 5—2: Reference CNA2 scaled boundary conditions. 25
Table 5—3: MCP-1 coastdown. 26
Table 5—4: MCP-2 coastdown. 26
Table 6—2: Relevant Thermal-Hydraulic