Esse : « Nuclear Winter Model Made By N.Moiseev»
Introduction…………………………………………………………………….... 3
1. Nikita Nikolaevich Moiseev…………………………………………………...4
2. Nuclear winter……………………………………………………………….....6
It was said a few years ago that if the human race is wiped out in the next 50 years it will not be because of disease or an asteroid hitting the earth, but because of foreign policy and international relations. In a world where thousands of nuclear weapons exist and more countries are trying to acquire them, where suicide terrorist strikes come without warning and thousands die each day from poverty caused by the way the international system operates, we need to know about and understand international relations. This is what makes international relations an interesting and a very important subject to study. The field of international relations is more than a list of facts and theories about international cooperation and conflict; it is a way of understanding world affairs. There are different methods of researching international relations. All of them are unique, because we study the relations between nations. One of the most popular method international relations research is modeling. In my opinion, this method has many advantages which help us to understand and to study international relations. When we make a model, we can predict the future situation in relations between different states, we can try to prevent a war, we can show nations with conflicting interests how to survive in a modern world. N. N. Moiseev is a prominent Russian scientist in the field of environmental protection as well an education. He developed the model of Nuclear Winter, which forced nuclear States to stop nuclear tests and the use of nuclear weapons in order to save
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