This is the first assignment of the subject of EDF 1307 Early Literacy and Numeracy which require me to observe and analyze of an everyday literacy or numeracy scenario of a young child. First of all, I will talk about the background of the scenario; follow by the description of the scenario, analysis based on mathematical concept and literacy component, evaluation of the scenario, recommended activities and the conclusion as well. The references will be provided after the conclusion.
Background of the scenario:
The scenario took place in the living room in my mother’s friend house. The child that I observed is Aunty Suan’s daughter which is Jora, 4 years old. The participant involved were five of us including my mother and Aunty Suan.
I went to my mother’s friend (Aunty Suan) house for lunch. After lunch, when I was watching the television in the living room and I saw Aunty Suan’s 4 years old daughter, Jora was having dramatic play by herself besides me. There are many toys scattered on the floor during the play time. At that time, she was playing with her two little Barbie dolls. When she was carrying and playing with the dolls happily, suddenly she shouted, “Oh no! My two little babies are sick. I have to call the doctor!” Then, she picked up the toy phone besides her and started to dial the numbers. She talked to herself, “The doctor number is 465978” by pressing the numbers on the phone. She started to pretend to talk to the doctor, “Hello, doctor? My baby is sick! What should I do now? I am so worry!” After a while, she said, “Ok, goodbye! Thanks!” After she put down the phone, she used a spoon to take a coloured bead from the container and feed a bead (pill) to each doll. She talked to the dolls, “Baby, you will be alright soon after you take the medicine.” She continued her solitary pretend play until her mother called her for lunch.
Analysis of mathematical concept in the
References: Gordon, A.M. & Browne, K.W. (2008). Beginning and Beyond: Foundations in Early Childhood Education (7th ed.). United States: Thomson Delmar Learning Jackman, H.L. (2009). Early Education Currriculum: A Child’s Connection to the World (4th ed.). USA: Thomson Delmar Learning. Smith, S.S. (2009). Early Childhood Mathematics (4th ed.). USA: Pearson Education, Inc.