Stacey Simmons
Date: April, 3, 2014
Margaret L. Colucciello, PhD, RN
Qualitative Research Article Analysis Nursing Article:
Thornburg, P., Myers, S, Paige, V. & Grubaugh, K. (2008). Nurses ' experiences of caring while letting go. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 10 (6), 382-391.
Purpose is Stated, Research Design Method is Analyzed Purpose: The researchers of this study proposed to “expand what is known about the meaning of caring among nurses engaged in end-of-life (EOL) care with patients and families in an in-patient hospital setting (Thornburg et al, 2008)”. Analysis of the Research Design Method:
This is a qualitative, ethnographical study utilizing Parse’s Theory …show more content…
of Human Becoming. According to Polit & Beck (2012), ethnography is the primary research tradition in anthropology. “Ethnographers study cultural pattern and experiences in a holistic fashion (Thornburg et al, 2008)”. Ethnographical studies focus on culture in a cognizant manner with a special interest on the influence of semantic rules and shared meanings on behavior formation. The logical assumption is that language reveals a groups cultural knowledge.
Identification of Whether Participants and Setting are Consistent with the Qualitative Method Sample and sampling method The participants in this study were selected using the purposive sampling strategy. This type of sampling builds from a volunteer participant base and incorporates the snowballing technique to recruit new participants. By selecting participants that most benefit the study, this becomes purposeful, therefore a purposive sampling. In this study “Members of the initial peer group approached their colleagues known to have practice experience with people living near the end of life and discussed the purpose of the study (Thornburg et al, 2008)”. The participants were devised of 1 male and 10 female English speaking nurses, 21 years of age or older and employed on an inpatient oncology and hospice or medical intensive care units. The participants took part in an individual face-to-face data collection session. No further information was gathered in order to protect the integrity of the study and prevent bias. This study was also steered by Parse’s Theory of Human Becoming (HBT). This theory states to value each participants contribution rather evaluating variable such as age or number of years of experience. Sampling techniques for ethnographic studies are demonstrated by researchers discussing the study topic with a large number of interested parties. The ethnographer uses informed judgment to purposively choose a select number of “key informants”. “Key informants (or cultural consultants) are individuals who are highly knowledgeable about the culture or organization and who develop special, ongoing relationships with the researcher (Thornburg et al, 2008)”. Once a small group of key informants are collected, the ethnographer then use his knowledge about the culture and their readiness to work in partnership with the ethnographer in sharing information about and interpreting the culture. Study setting The study setting was a 903-bed tertiary, urban, community hospital boasting a multi-organ transplant center and level 1 trauma center, full range of specialty care, and education and research complexes. With a staff exceeding 1200 professional registered nurses, a small peer group consisting of a clinical nurse specialists in medicine, an advanced practice palliative care nurse and several staff nurse, developed a new program designed to support end-of-life caregiving by nurses in their facility (Thornburg et al, 2008).
Setting plays an important role in qualitative research. To obtain honest and meaningful interviews, participants must feel comfortable and safe in order to freely and fully share their thoughts, opinions and observations. While “a quiet setting without disruptions is ideal, but is not always possible (Polit & Beck, 2012)”. In this study the participants were interviewed for approximately 30 – 60 minutes either prior to starting their shift or after their shift ended depending on the participant preference. The interviews were audio recorded with specific participant knowledge and verbal consent.
Identification of Whether Data Collection Methods are Consistent with the Purpose and Data Analysis Procedures are Appropriate Data collection methods
The data was collected by face-to-face interviews in the hospital setting.
Participants volunteered their interviews after being carefully selected by the ethnographer. Interviews were recorded for accuracy and verbal consent was obtained. “Ethnographic interviews are also unstructured (Polit & Beck, 2012)” and use descriptive, structural, and contrast questions to guide interviews. The method used for gathering the data in this study was called dialogical engagement. This is a type of interviewing style developed by Parse. The interviewer does not ask the participants direct questions, but rather leads with a very open-ended statement; directing the participant to say anything they choose about end-of life care. This style supports the purpose of the study by allowing the participants to share their experiences and views on caring for palliative care patients and their families in an organic fashion and without any form of direction from the …show more content…
Data analysis methods
The data analysis technique used was called extraction-synthesis by Parse.
The researcher checked the transcripts for accuracy. Over the course of 6 months, the researcher compared transcripts and audiotapes repeatedly, developing 11 ‘‘stories. The goal was to dependably represent what each nurse said. From these stories, the researcher identified core concepts. “This process of taking the participants’ works and making them more abstract is a particular feature of the Parse method (Thornburg et al, 2008)”. The concept is to work and rework the information, comparing it across the spectrum of inductive and deductive movement to the rhythm of a consistent pattern. “The stories are distilled into essences, or ‘‘succinct expressions of the core ideas about the phenomenon of concern’’32(p52) first in participant language, followed by essences in more abstract researcher language (Thornburg et al, 2008)”. This produces a story representing the participant and independent story from the researcher. According to Parse, the researcher’s “essences” develops a language-art expression for each
participant. The “findings support Parse’s theory that each of the HBT main concepts is present in all human Experiences, as well as her belief that all human experiences are contradictory (paradoxical) (Thornburg et al, 2008)”. While there are 9 core concepts in Parse’s HBT, the 3 discussed related to this study are enabling- limiting power, language and transforming. Enabling-limiting power describe the inner struggle one experiences when providing positive care in an impossible situation. Nurse describe feeling simultaneously good about their contributions and badly about prolonging pain and suffering at times or caring for people they dislike. Languaging is a concept about expressing. In this study, languaging describes the way the individuals deal with the patients and families emotionally, and the way they deal with the constant loss the see. They may be active listeners or shut down emotionally, while remaining attentive to care. The last core concept, transforming, describes the change that occurs to the nurse during the process. “Overall, shifting views emerging with approving insight in clarity-obscurity describes the experience of these nurses as their own values and beliefs change in many ways. Some aspects of their caring experiences become clearer to them, while others become more puzzling (Thornburg et al, 2008)”.
Rigor, Conclusions, and Implications for Future Research Are Analyzed Rigor
Rigor was demonstrated by the researcher in multiple ways. First the researcher remained consistent throughout the study. The setting, and interview style was the same for each participant. The researcher also spent 6 months addressing and re addressing the data to develop a solid, unbiased, yet meaningful “story” to describe the nurses’ perspective of caring for the terminal patient. The interviews were also recorded to ensure accuracy.
Parse’s Theory of Human Becoming is the theoretical framework that drove the qualitative, ethnographical study that examined the nursing perspective on end-of-life care. Through careful interviewing and dialogical engagement, the researcher obtains meaningful descriptions of the nurses’ thoughts and feelings about caring for terminal patients. As the researcher develops their stories, core concepts emerge: enabling-limiting power, language and finally transforming. Implications for future research
New research opportunities have developed as a result of the success of this study. “Further study of the so-called structural concepts found in this work is needed (Thornburg et al, 2008)”. There are several specific areas of interest including the nurses’ struggle with who and what is important to them; the ways in which nurses are fully present with patients, families, and each other; and how nurses are transformed and how they transform practice. Studies moving in this direction could lend valuable insight to new nurses or current nurses looking into specific types of nursing, and if the area of nursing is suitable to their personality, emotional capacity and personal views and needs. In turn this could help impact the nurses’ ability to provide the best care possible and identify areas for improvement.
Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2012). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (9th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection.
Thornburg, P., Myers, S, Paige, V. & Grubaugh, K. (2008). Nurses ' experiences of caring while letting go. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 10 (6), 382-391.