The Holocaust was an unparalleled crime composed of millions of murders imprisonment, racism, and destruction. It destroyed millions of lives and wiped out over six million Jews during the course of World War II under Hitler’s power. The aftermath of these horrific events proved to be a difficult one since no form of punishment could ever suffice to the torture and pain the Nazi’s inflicted on the Jewish Community. This challenge was attempted by the International Military Tribunal (IMT) held at Nuremberg, Germany where they held Nazi’s in court for crimes of war and genocide. These became known as the Nuremburg Trials.
The IMT was created to be a trial of judgment for war crimes in an effort to serve justice to those who fell victim to Nazi terrorism. The IMT, which consisted of judges and prosecutors from the four victorious powers following WWII, Great Britain, the United States, France and the Soviet Union, formally indicted the Nuremberg defendants on four counts: crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit these crimes. Twenty-one defendants were examined at the International Military Tribunal between November 20, 1945 and October 15-16, 1946. There were 24 men indicted however two of them never stood trial. Robert Ley, the head of the Nazi labor movement, committed suicide before the trial began, and Gustav Krupp, was ruled as too ill to be tried. Hitler as well as many other top Nazi leaders such as Goebbels killed themselves in the final days of the war. On the day of the trial 21 out of the 22 accused men were present of which include Martin Bormann: Secretary to Hitler, Head of the Nazi Party Chancellery, Karl Doenitz: Commander-in-Chief of the German Navy, Hans Frank: Governor-General of occupied Poland, Wilhelm Frick: Minister of the Interior, Hans Fritzsche: Head of the Wireless News Service (radio produced by the Reich), Walther Funk: Minister of Economics, Hermann