Albert Einstein once said that only a life that is lived in the service to others is worth living. As a future nurse, I plan to be in service to others to reach success and do my best to learn both theory and practice, to work on my personal and professional skills and share this knowledge with others. My plan to being successful in completing the Nursing Program is a mixture of my character, patience, devotion to medical standards and learning by valuable examples in life. Reaching for success, I see completing the Nursing Program as a great professional responsibility and an honor to use my knowledge, experiences and skills to help people and make a valuable contribution to the society and science. I have always wanted to …show more content…
She is currently in her last year of the Nursing program. My sister always tells me a lot about the Nursing program, as we discuss innovations, theory, advantages and the flaws of the healthcare and the nurses. She is an example of a person, telling me that I have to move forward and fight my way through all the trials of life and tribulations that I meet on my way. The nursing program is a unique chance to use my knowledge, skills and a personal devotion to make a positive change. Helping people is what makes me feel worthy and complete, both emotionally and as a future nurse. Aiming for successful completion of the program, I see the mission of a nurse in empathy, compassion, care, patience, understanding, unbiased attitude and justice. I sincerely believe that in order to find the most efficient solution and offer assistance, it is necessary to establish trusting and healthy communications, which are a part of diagnostics and an early identification of a problem in work of a nurse. Therefore, I want to use theoretical knowledge, exchange information among fellow students, help with seminars, analytical discussions and researching. I think that a key to successful completing of the Nursing program is a right attitude and adherence to educational and healthcare standards. I pay great care to morals, ethics and personal duty, when approaching nursing. I want to make the role of …show more content…
Speaking of my prior medical experiences, I want to mention that I am a certified phlebotomy technician, but I have not worked in this field yet. I want to use my professional and personal experiences to make my work and role of a nurse successful, as well as to complete the program with good results. In order to make my studies and completion of the program successful, I want to implement acquired knowledge of the Nursing program for invitation and involvement of various specialists, organizations, research-and-analytical centers, and just casual members of the society that turn to the healthcare specialists in times of trouble or with an aim to receive an advice. In a certain sense, a role of a nurse is a mediator. Therefore, I pay care and attention to the social and cultural factors that are crucial during the studies, exchange of information between healthcare specialists, and during communications with the patients. I see all of these qualities as a way to become successful in completing the Nursing