Nurse Educators combine clinical expertise with a passion for teaching. Educators are responsible for preparing new nurses and advancing the development of practicing healthcare provider, nurse educators possess a solid clinical background, strong communication skills, and a high level of cultural competence. Educators must be flexible enough to adapt curriculum and teaching methods…
| Coursework will provide a foundation of knowledge for the novice educator, as well as providing current faculty with new applications and practical skills.…
An Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) emphases on the technical standpoints of nursing, rather than the theoretical and academic aspects of nursing usually covered in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program. ADN students will have to accomplish some fundamental prerequisites before taking nursing curriculum, such as courses in writing, social science, history, etc. Nursing-specific module will likely enfold such topics as anatomy and physiology, chemistry, biology, family health, pediatric and geriatric medicine, pharmacology, psychology and mental health. State Boards of Nursing in each state regulate which programs are customary for that state. Upon achievement of a state certified curriculum of study, the nursing candidate will need to pass the NCLEX, or the National Council Licensure Examination. Fortuitously, most of the two-year courses for an ADN are geared en route for helping graduates to pass the NCLEX. With the existing high exigency for nurses, employment for someone with an associate degree in nursing and a bona fide nursing license is virtually guaranteed. The nurse may also choose to work in a specialized medical field, such as pediatrics, geriatrics,…
Nurse practitioners are registered nurses with the education and extensive experience required to perform in an advanced clinical role. A nurse practitioner's scope of practice extends beyond that of the registered nurse. In Australia, the Nursing and Midwifery Board Australia (NMBA) endorses nurse practitioners in accordance with their scope of practice. The nurse practitioner role includes assessment and management of clients using nursing knowledge and skills and may include but is not limited to the direct referral of patients to other health care professionals, prescribing medications and ordering diagnostic investigations.…
It is the RN responsibility to delegate nursing tasks to other team members like the LPN/LVN and the nursing assistant. These task should follow the legal parameters established by professional nursing organizations in the scope of practice and standard and defined by the state of its nurse practice in addition to the institution policy (Cherry & Jacob, 2014).…
References: Bastable, S. (2008). Nurse as educator Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice.…
students in the field of nursing. first, to be an instuctor, a person must be a…
The purpose of this assignment is to explore the professional responsibilities of the nurse and their role in safeguarding vulnerable patients, all of which are based around a fictitious scenario. The scenario is centred on a patient named Margaret and is going to be used to identify any vulnerability issues Margaret may have. Margaret could be identified as been vulnerable, as she is an 89 year old lady who is suffering from a heart condition. Margaret is currently living with her daughter and has said that her mother’s health has begun to deteriorate. Margaret is becoming very confused and forgetting to take her medication which has resulted in numerous admissions to hospital. No consent was needed on this occasion as it is a fictitious patient. Based around this fictitious scenario, the aim is to discuss and identify vulnerability and any issues arising from it. Exploring all aspects of vulnerability involving all models and discussing confidentiality, looking at the importance of it and why it should be maintained. This assignment will also look at the mental capacity act and how the nurse and other healthcare professionals assess the patient for capacity and use the models of assessment. All these are in place to protect the patient’s health and well-being and patient rights. Communication is another important skill for any nurse to have. Good communication skills are essential in providing a high standard of care, which will be explored and discussed in detail. It will also explore what accountability and responsibility is within the nurse’s role. The nurse being accountable for their actions and adhere to the Nursing and Midwifery Councils (NMC), Code. “The core function of the Nursing and Midwifery Council is to establish standards of education, training, conduct and performance for nurses and midwives to ensure those standards are maintained, thereby safeguarding the health and well-being of the public” (NMC, code, 2009).…
Strunk, PhD, RN, J. A., Townsend-Rocchiccioli, PhD, RN, J., & Sandord, DNS, RN, J. T.…
Nurse educator is someone who can inspire others to work together in pursuit of a common goal. An effective educator possess integrity, courage, initiative and ability to handle issues (Koch, 2014). This individual is admired in their efforts to think critically, set goals and skillfully communicate and collaborate at all times (Johansen, 2012).…
PowerPoint presentation on benefits of positive thinking: lower rate of depression, better coping during stress and illness.…
“As a world view, Darwinism cannot of course be refuted, since Faith is, always has been, and always will be, stronger than facts. “ - Francis P. Yockey…
Nursing assistants and orderlies may be known as home heath aide when working in a patients home instead of in a nursing home or hospital ,a nursing assistants and orderlies you have to go to 2 school you have to finish high school first and go to college like university,and nursing assistants and orderlies work under the supervision of nurse and handle much of the personal care needs of the patients .caree nurse assistants provide 80 to 90 percent of the care in long term care facilities ,approximately 276,000,new jobs are expected to be available for nurse assistants fom 2008 to 2018 .in 2009 top-pay state for this job were alask (32,390) hevada (30,970) new York (30,850) nursing assistants generally help nurse care with paients or in group…
Clarke, S. (2003). Patient safety series, part 2 of 2: Balancing staffing and safety. Nursing…
I have always been the “caretaker” in my family. If someone were hurting, he or she came to me and told me his or her symptoms, and I did my research and told them what I thought about it. Before that, when I was about three years old, I took care of my newborn baby sister. My mama was sick, and my step dad was at work, so I took care of my sister. People ask kids what they want to be when they grow up, and they always get some crazy answer like a movie star. When my mama asked me, I said a doctor. I have since learned that doctors do make a lot of money, but they spend most of it on insurance. My career goal has changed; now I want to be a nurse of some kind, but it is still in the medical field. My grandma said that I like school so much that I will not stop going until I become a doctor. She was right about many things, but I am not so sure about that one. A Registered Nurse (RN) is a good career with a wonderful history, and a nice salary, but you need specific qualities to be an RN.…