What is bereavement? Shakespeare once wrote “all that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity”. Death is one of the largest causes of bereavement, although not exclusively. Bereavement is the term used for the emotions and behaviours felt and displayed by a person who has suffered some form of loss, particularly the death of a person close to them or known to them, (Egan, 2003).
Coping with bereavement Coping with the emotions and behaviours of a family who have been bereaved can be extremely stressful. If you have cared for a patient over a period of time and have come to know them and their family well it can be hard not to feel some degree of emotional involvement. Trying to cope with a bereaved family can bring on feelings of inadequacy and lead to stress, (Kenworthy, Snowley and Gilling, 2002). It is in this type of situation that the environment you work in becomes very important. To feel
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