Current hospital policy is mandated by Title 22 .
This legislative policy regulates a two to one ratio in critical care areas only. There are such bills on the table in 25 states at this point, however many refer to staffing levels not ratios. Most hospitals staff on a acuity based system. With this system patient information and care required is used to determine how many patients each nurse should be assigned. The drawbacks according to nurses of this system is that it is based on averages and alots a fixed amount of time for tasks that may take longer and does not allow for possible complications of patient
The legislative policies discussed in this article will all require great support for passage. The current staffing policies are mandated by two factors; financial effects on the hospital and lack of sufficient staff levels in the hospital. Unfortunately the most important factor , the patient, seems to play little role in the policies. The nurse has long been seen as the patients advocate and many in the profession have vocalized their opposition to the current state of affairs. I feel the hospital and administration are of the opinion that current policies are sufficient for adequate and safe care. They site that their policies meet all current guidelines. Nursing professional have to speak up for themselves! The hospital Admnistrators are not the ones that are at risk of losing their license and livelyhood if the increased patient load results in an error. The hospital administration points to a lack of available nurses as the reason for insufficient staff, while at the same time not admitting that the staffing levels are not adequate. This is classic double talk usually reserved for political arenas and used car lots. There are many factors that play into the elevated demand for medical professionals. The average age of nurses is over forty seven , combined with the decrease in availability of nursing school seats the affect on the public healthcare industry is undeniable. The hospitals have a responsibility just like any other industry to develop the resources they need to fill demand for their product. Even baseball knows that if you want a quality team you have to develop one. They support minor league teams , farm teams , and recruit quality people starting in high school. I simply can't understand how with something as important as peoples lives at stake the hospitals are allowed to just throw up their hands and claim they can't do any better. This article brought up some very important issues of legislation, nursing shortages, and hospital staffing policies which will no doubt greatly affect my future career path and work enviroment.