RSMT Task 1 Form
1. According to (“Roles & Responsibilities”, 2008) Master’s prepared nurse’s role as a researcher includes collaborating and coordinating with others to identify significant researchable problems. In doing so the nurse must be involved in scientific investigation and must be a consumer of research findings. As a nurse researcher you must be conscious of the research process, how it would improve health care by utilizing evidence based practice, and have sensitivity to related issues to protect the rights as a human being. Without research nursing cannot advance 2. In (2012) Peamora & Que noted that as a Master’s prepared nurse collaborator he/she must consult with more than just the patient/client. They possess the capability of consulting on various systems. The nurse will develop a plan and work with others involved to achieve a common goal. 3. The Master’s prepared nurse’s role as a clinician is one who has direct contact with patients. According to Bevis after a few years of experience a clinician is considered an expert. As a clinician he/she may make independent and collaborative decisions. Policies are a must. This nurse must be able to know when to utilize them. Clinical nurse specialist has become an expanded role of the nurse. This nurse is a researcher, collaborator, educator, and an expert care provider in that specialty. Examples of nurse clinicians are nurse practitioners, nurse midwife and nurse anesthetist. 4. The Master’s prepared nurse’s role as a consumer advocate is to advocate for patients/clients. Bevis noted that this nurse is also responsible for advising them where to go to receive care, specific products they should use, and the kind of clinicians they should see. According to Tomajan (2012) any kind of concerns the client has an advocate
must put in an action plan to bring about change. A nurse advocate must be able to meet a client on their level of understanding. The client’s