I would like for my career focus to be that of Nursing. Deciding on a major was one of my biggest fears. However one day I sat at my school’s library computer and began logical about my decision. I considered my abilities and interests, thought about my long-term goals and gathered information about every profession I was interested. When I came over the nursing career I was able to see myself being a part of it. I mainly decided this as a career because of the availability. Being in the nursing profession has a future because there is always going to be nursing jobs available. Even though this is the case, becoming a nurse isn’t as easy as it may seem. It involves great planning and detail to reach your goal. It is vital to plan out everything from money to time to skill acquiring, and more.
Being in my first semester of college, I have a ways to go until I reach my final destination. I plan to become a sophomore by 2015, but in order to do so I may have to take summer classes.. This is because I was placed in two math classes that I won’t get credit for. When I become a sophomore I will be able to start my nursing classes and try to …show more content…
When you feel healthy you feel more willing to do things like wake up on time to get to class, participate more in school on a whole, and being involved in different thing that surround you. The nursing career involves a great deal of moving and being on your feet which requires you to be in shape. I plan to get in shape by eating healthy and drinking lots of water and cutting out soda. Exercise can help me lose weight but can also help me to become more active. I will set up a schedule to go to the gym at least 4 times a week and increase the visits when I get adjusted to working my body. By the time I graduate I will be ready to take on any physical task given to me in the hospital whether its doing rounds or running back and forth in the emergency