Case study 17
Pages 85-89
1. Given the diagnosis of acute MI, what other lab results are you going to look at?
CKMB, Troponin I, Myoglobin- which are all cardiac injury markers. ECGs done at an outside hospital or en route, noting the context in which notable ECGs were printed.
2. You find the following laboratory results in the patient’s chart. For each, interpret the result, and evaluate the meaning for C.B. a. Creatinine phosphokinase (CK) levels drawn on admission to the ED and at a 4-hour intervals have been increasing over the time period indicating heart damage or inflammation. CK-MB are high and increasing over the intervals indicating heart damage or heart attack. b. LDL-C:160mg/dl Elevated …show more content…
laboratory. Among the functions she needs to accomplish is to; introduce yourself, advise the patient as to what time the procedure may occur, check the patient's chart for pre cath orders, allergies, cardiac cath. permit, verify counseling by the physician, and to establish that patients knowledge level. The most important purpose of this visit is to help alleviate any fears the patient may have and to provide the patient an opportunity to answer questions. Before going to the cardiac cath. laboratory the nurse will complete the pre cardiac cath. checklist. This policy, should be established by your institution. If conscious sedation is ordered the nurse should be familiar with the institutional policy for carrying for patients who have undergone conscious sedation. As part of the preparation for cardiac catheterization the nurse should check and document the status of peripheral pulses.
6. The lidocaine level is 2.5 mg/mL and the aPTT is 40 sec. Analyze the results, and state any actions you would take. The aPTT is normal, I would continue to monitor levels since it is on the high end and the lidocaine could be decreased to maintain a therapeutic