The patient becomes extremely emotional when discussing her …show more content…
The patient has completed chemotherapy and radiation. She is suffering from extreme physical as well as emotional changes. The patient is particularly emotional about cancer in general as well as her new appearance. I have noticed that the patient frequently mentions that she wonders if cancer will return. It appears the client may be suffering from PTSD symptoms. The most common symptoms of PTSD that cancer patients experience include flashbacks or re-experiencing a traumatic moment, avoidance, helplessness/hopelessness and intrusive symptoms (Crowe, 2015).
The patient has undergone trauma due to her unanticipated and sudden cancer diagnosis followed by intensive treatment. DSM- V states that the medical incident needs to be sudden and catastrophic to be considered a formal PTSD diagnosis (Crowe, 2015). Client reports that she frequently replays the doctor diagnosing her with cancer in her mind. The cancer symptoms and diagnosis were sudden for the client. It scared the client even more that her type of esophageal cancer was intensive and rare and required instant