The Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) can be found working in numerous specialties and having an understanding of alcoholic liver disease and the transplant process will help optimize care of the patient with alcoholic cirrhosis. Because there is no alternative treatment to liver transplantation for most patients with end-stage liver disease, it is important that the CNS understand that the 6-month rule could be lethal in some circumstances. Early detection and treatment can be life-saving. Clinicians commonly fail to screen patients, and thus fail to recognize or treat alcoholism appropriately. Clinical history that may suggest alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence includes the pattern, type, and amount of alcohol ingested, as well as evidence of social or psychological consequences of…
Case Study Grid List five factors of the patients history that demonstrate nursing needs. Complete the table below with the following information Formulate three nursing diagnoses using the Problem, Etiology, and Signs and Symptoms (PES) format and the taxonomy of NANDA. The diagnoses must be based on the case study, be appropriate, be prioritized, and be formatted correctly. For each nursing diagnosis, state two desired outcomes using NOC criteria. Desired outcomes must be patient-centered and measurable within an identified timeframe. For each outcome, state two nursing interventions using NIC criteria as well as one evaluation method. Interventions and the evaluation method must be appropriate to the desired outcomes. Provide rationale for each nursing diagnosis, and explain how PES, NANDA, NOC, and NIC apply to each diagnosis. Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources, and create an APA formatted reference page. Nursing Diagnosis 1 Desired Outcome 1Desired Outcome 2Nursing Intervention 1 Nursing Intervention 2 Evaluation method Rationale Nursing Diagnosis 2 Desired Outcome 1Desired Outcome 2Nursing Intervention 1 Nursing Intervention 2 Evaluation method Rationale Nursing Diagnosis 3 Desired Outcome 1Desired Outcome 2Nursing Intervention 1 Nursing Intervention 2 Evaluation method Rationale Case Study Grid NUR/403 Version 4 PAGE MERGEFORMAT 1 Copyright 2013 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Y, dXiJ(x(I_TS1EZBmU/xYy5g/GMGeD3Vqq8K)fw9…
The evidence-based practice guideline that I chose is titled, “Myocardial Infarction,” written by the Finnish Medical Society Duodecim. The intended users for this guideline are health care providers and physicians. The target population is individuals with suspected or known myocardial infarction. The objective of this guideline is to “collect, summarize, and update the core clinical knowledge essential in general practice” and “describe the scientific evidence underlying the given recommendations.” (Finnish Medical Society Duodecim, 2008)…
Assessment is a vital aspect of nursing care. Assessment is the first phase of the nursing process. A thorough assessment involves gathering information and data about and related to the patient. The data that is collected includes physiological, psychological, environmental, sociocultural, economical, spiritual, and developmental history of the patient. Data may be objective or subjective. Objective data refers to the measurable and observable signs, such as the patient’s heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, temperature, facial expression, gait, color, etc. Subjective data is obtained from the patient himself and it is the patient’s account of their…
have impacted patient care in a scenario involving a 72-year-old patient, Mr. J, in a small local…
Through the participation in the clinical setting of the Woodland Hills Kaiser Permanente Intensive Care Unit the writer has been involved with the members of this unit to develop and assess the roles of a leader. The focus of this paper is to analyze the evaluation of a nurse on the unit and the outcomes form the meeting.…
This is an analysis of the nurse-sensitive indicators in a case study regarding an elderly, Jewish male patient with dementia in a hospital setting. Nurse-sensitive indicators presented in the scenario such as patient falls, using restraints, development of pressure ulcers, and patient satisfaction will be discussed. When nurses are aware of these nurse-sensitive issues they can provide better care for their patients. There are multiple resources available to nursing staff to help resolve ethical issues.…
In this chapter, we have emphasized that comprehensive assessment makes use of nursing knowledge and understanding of the combined factors of age-related changes, age-associated and other diseases, heredity, and lifestyle choices. Think of an older adult for whom you have provided care and describe that person. Try to outline the factors (age-related changes, age-associated and other diseases, heredity, and lifestyle choices) that are relevant for his or her health assessment.…
After leaning about each concept in Nursing 201 I have become more competent than before about the profession of nursing in areas such as evidence based practice, patient centered care and many other areas. I think after learning about patient centered care and the nurse-patient communication I am better prepared to interact with patients. Some things that I find to be especially helpful are to not ask close-ended questions or anything that will result in a simple yes or no, use general leads, use silence and to paraphrase and reflect what the patient says.…
Nurse-sensitive indicators are helpful tools in enhancing the quality of nurses, which will improve patient outcomes, nursing outcomes, in addition to performance measurement (Montalvo, 2007). According to the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators TM (NDNQI) (2014), this is a national nursing database, which provides reports of processes, structure, and outcomes quarterly and annually to evaluate nursing care at the unit level (Montalvo, 2007). There is a need for a database that can be linked to various practices, and providers, in order to identify those with hypertension patient, especially in the renal clinic. Hypertension is seen widely amongst patients who present in the renal clinic. Hypertension is becoming more prevalent…
Cherry, B., & Jacob, S. R. (2010). Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends & Management. (5th). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Retrieved from…
Quality of Life and Functioning for End of Life Care. HAT2 Community Health Nursing. Western Governors University.…
The aim of this assignment is to explore the four stages of APIE, explaining their importance in nursing, as well as identifying possible problems within the stages, in relation to the videos of Joe. These issues will then be anaylsed using theory, to create possible explanations and consequences for the behaviour and actions shown by Joe and the nurses.…
I currently work in a Mother/Baby Labor and Postpartum Unit at a military treatment facility located in Hawaii. The majority of all our patients request an epidural to assist with the pain of childbirth. Since the patients are numb from the waist down, we insert a urinary catheter to monitor output of all patients. The majority of our patients have increased swelling from the vaginal deliver and must keep the urinary catheter in place for additional days. Any of our patients receiving a cesarean section to deliver their baby, usually require hair removal. Due to the lack of funding, we often have to shave our patients instead of using surgical clippers.…
To learn the secret to a long and happy relationship that’s free from uncertainty and doubt, go to:…