The Use of Computerized Management Systems in Nursing
The quality of patient care can be increased when utilizing a computerized management system. These systems facilitate coordination among multiple providers and healthcare institutes by providing easy and quick access to clients’ information. Patient’s data is placed together which can be monitored more efficiently instead of waiting to receive information by mail or fax (labs, referrals, orders from doctors, radiology results, etc). According to the American Medical Association 30 percent of all patient visits are completed without access to the patient chart 30 percent of all patient visits are completed without …show more content…
Passwords and codes are required to utilize these devices. The standards for electronic transmission of health data enables information to be exchanged electronically (Noffsinger & Chin,2000). To safeguard the privacy and security of these devices, they are mandated. Each health plan, healthcare clearing house, and healthcare provider who maintains or transmits information maintains reasonable and appropriate administrative technical and physical safeguards to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the information (Perlin, 2010). Security standards for all systems and devices are common. For example, 1) lock out screen / automatic account timeout are activated after excess time. 2) Database services must be firewalled. 3) All data or computer devices must be erased before the devices is transferred. 4) Audits are performed continually to track authorized users who abuse the healthcare information that is stored in the system. HIPPA was established for security standards and safeguards for the electronic transmission of health information. According to the HIPPA law, which requires that healthcare providers have a continuity plan in place and that they routinely test the backup equipment to make sure it works to protect information. Data storage integrity is needed to guarantee that data sent from one end of a transaction arrives unaffected at the other end. Backup is a safeguard …show more content…
4) Improves communication between physician and pharmacy (Ross, 2005).
Asses to patient past medical information and recent test and prescription help assist doctors in making best clinical decision. Computerized management systems give guidance for orders, alerts, and access to patient’s specific clinic information, and helps doctors to make better clinical decision that leads to improving patient safety by decreasing errors and efficiency resource usage (Perlin, 2010).
I recommend the Health Connect Electronic Health Records Systems because it allows management of medical information and it secures exchange between healthcare consumers and providers. This system improves healthcare quality prevent medical error, reduces unnecessary healthcare cost, increases administration efficiency and decreases paperwork. This system is user friendly, make sense to the clinicians, and it compliment the workflow of this